Matthies / RubiChess

Another chess engine
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Unstable evaluation #419

Closed Matthies closed 5 months ago

Matthies commented 1 year ago

With latest networks(?), the eval gets very unstable. Many fail low/fail high and visible e.g. in the first 40 moves of this game:

2n3k1/2b1RNp1/5pNp/p3p2P/1p2P3/1P4PK/P1r2P2/8 w - - 3 50 is an example for a position that shows extreme eval jumps and seeing white winning which is wrong. grafik

Maybe some pruning margins need to be tuned. Or some problem with qsearch?

ChessOverflow commented 1 year ago

Probably this problem occurs because of the extension. Maybe "Check extension" or Another extension!

Matthies commented 1 year ago

Wrong. Extensions are there for ever and Rubi had a far more stable evaluation in the past. Also other engines use extensions and are more stable in evaluation.

ChessOverflow commented 1 year ago

@Matthies Finally I found the answer of this question. This is not an issue. See this picture:


Score cp +3.45 is correct but It's not means that White is winning , this is very heavy positions.

So no margins issue, no qsearch issue and no extension issue.

Matthies commented 1 year ago

This position is obviously winning for white and has nothing to do with the issue. Last warning: Stop trolling here. This issue is not meant to be discussed with you.

ChessOverflow commented 1 year ago

and has nothing to do with the issue.

This is the continuation of your position

**50. Nxh6+ gxh6 51. Re8+ Kf7 52. Rxc8 Ke6 53. Rh8 Rxa2 54. Rxh6 a4 55. bxa4 Rxf2

  1. Rh7 Kd6 57. Nf8 Kc6 58. Ne6 Bb6 59. Rh8 b3 60. Rc8+ Kd6 61. Rb8 Ba7 62. Rxb3 Kxe6 63. h6 Rf1 64. Rb7 Bc5 65. h7 Rh1+ 66. Kg2 Rh6 67. a5 f5 68. Rc7 Bd6 69. a6 Bxc7 70. a7 Rxh7 {+1.54}**

Last warning: Stop trolling here. This issue is not meant to be discussed with you.

I will not help you any more, you made me very sad, goodbye

Matthies commented 1 year ago

and has nothing to do with the issue.

This is the continuation of your position

50. Nxh6+ gxh6 51. Re8+ Kf7 52. Rxc8 Ke6 53. Rh8 Rxa2 54. Rxh6 a4 55. bxa4 Rxf2 56. Rh7 Kd6 57. Nf8 Kc6 58. Ne6 Bb6 59. Rh8 b3 60. Rc8+ Kd6 61. Rb8 Ba7 62. Rxb3 Kxe6 63. h6 Rf1 64. Rb7 Bc5 65. h7 Rh1+ 66. Kg2 Rh6 67. a5 f5 68. Rc7 Bd6 69. a6 Bxc7 70. a7 Rxh7 {+1.54}

A continuation to a position that shows a stable winning evaluation.

Last warning: Stop trolling here. This issue is not meant to be discussed with you.

I will not help you any more, you made me very sad, goodbye

You never helped me and never were asked to help. You should understand that creating another fresh Github account containing chess and starting "discussions" without any substance in Stockfish and other chess engine's repositories won't make any friends. Goodbye.