Closed P403n1x87 closed 5 months ago
Another example that shows a slightly different issue, that seems related to a bad reconstruction of the exception table (this requires urllib3
import bytecode as b
impoty urllib3
urllib3.connectionpool.HTTPConnectionPool.urlopen.__code__ = b.Bytecode.from_code(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ddtrace/contrib/urllib3/ in patch
.riot/venv_py3114/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bytecode/ in from_code
return concrete.to_bytecode(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = <ConcreteBytecode instr#=1454>, prune_caches = True
conserve_exception_block_stackdepth = False
def to_bytecode(
prune_caches: bool = True,
conserve_exception_block_stackdepth: bool = False,
) -> _bytecode.Bytecode:
# On 3.11 we generate pseudo-instruction from the exception table
# Copy instruction and remove extended args if any (in-place)
c_instructions = self[:]
# Find jump targets
jump_targets: Set[int] = set()
offset = 0
for c_instr in c_instructions:
if isinstance(c_instr, SetLineno):
target = c_instr.get_jump_target(offset)
if target is not None:
offset += (c_instr.size // 2) if OFFSET_AS_INSTRUCTION else c_instr.size
# On 3.11+ we need to also look at the exception table for jump targets
for ex_entry in self.exception_table:
# Create look up dict to find entries based on either exception handling
# block exit or entry offsets. Several blocks can end on the same instruction
# so we store a list of entry per offset.
ex_start: Dict[int, ExceptionTableEntry] = {}
ex_end: Dict[int, List[ExceptionTableEntry]] = {}
for entry in self.exception_table:
# Ensure we do not have more than one entry with identical starting
# offsets
assert entry.start_offset not in ex_start
ex_start[entry.start_offset] = entry
ex_end.setdefault(entry.stop_offset, []).append(entry)
# Create labels and instructions
jumps: List[Tuple[int, int]] = []
instructions: List[Union[Instr, Label, TryBegin, TryEnd, SetLineno]] = []
labels = {}
tb_instrs: Dict[ExceptionTableEntry, TryBegin] = {}
offset = 0
# In Python 3.11+ cell and varnames can be shared and are indexed in a single
# array.
# As a consequence, the instruction argument can be either:
# - < len(varnames): the name is shared an we can directly use
# the index to access the name in cellvars
# - > len(varnames): the name is not shared and is offset by the
# number unshared varname.
# Free vars are never shared and correspond to index larger than the
# largest cell var.
# See PyCode_NewWithPosOnlyArgs
if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
cells_lookup = self.varnames + [
n for n in self.cellvars if n not in self.varnames
ncells = len(cells_lookup)
ncells = len(self.cellvars)
cells_lookup = self.cellvars
for lineno, c_instr in self._normalize_lineno(
c_instructions, self.first_lineno
if offset in jump_targets:
label = Label()
labels[offset] = label
# Handle TryBegin pseudo instructions
if offset in ex_start:
entry = ex_start[offset]
tb_instr = TryBegin(
entry.stack_depth if conserve_exception_block_stackdepth else UNSET,
# Per entry store the pseudo instruction associated
tb_instrs[entry] = tb_instr
jump_target = c_instr.get_jump_target(offset)
size = c_instr.size
# If an instruction uses extended args, those appear before the instruction
# causing the instruction to appear at offset that accounts for extended
# args. So we first update the offset to account for extended args, then
# record the instruction offset and then add the instruction itself to the
# offset.
offset += (size // 2 - 1) if OFFSET_AS_INSTRUCTION else (size - 2)
current_instr_offset = offset
offset += 1 if OFFSET_AS_INSTRUCTION else 2
# on Python 3.11+ remove CACHE opcodes if we are requested to do so.
# We are careful to first advance the offset and check that the CACHE
# is not a jump target. It should never be the case but we double check.
if prune_caches and == "CACHE":
assert jump_target is None
# We may need to insert a TryEnd after a CACHE so we need to run the
# through the last block.
arg: InstrArg
c_arg = c_instr.arg
# FIXME: better error reporting
if c_instr.opcode in _opcode.hasconst:
arg = self.consts[c_arg]
elif c_instr.opcode in _opcode.haslocal:
arg = self.varnames[c_arg]
elif c_instr.opcode in _opcode.hasname:
arg = (bool(c_arg & 1), self.names[c_arg >> 1])
arg = (bool(c_arg & 1), bool(c_arg & 2), self.names[c_arg >> 2])
arg = self.names[c_arg]
elif c_instr.opcode in _opcode.hasfree:
if c_arg < ncells:
name = cells_lookup[c_arg]
arg = CellVar(name)
name = self.freevars[c_arg - ncells]
arg = FreeVar(name)
elif c_instr.opcode in _opcode.hascompare:
arg = Compare(
(c_arg >> 4) if sys.version_info >= (3, 12) else c_arg
elif c_instr.opcode in INTRINSIC_1OP:
arg = Intrinsic1Op(c_arg)
elif c_instr.opcode in INTRINSIC_2OP:
arg = Intrinsic2Op(c_arg)
arg = c_arg
location = c_instr.location or InstrLocation(lineno, None, None, None)
if jump_target is not None:
instr_index = len(instructions)
jumps.append((instr_index, jump_target))
instructions.append(Instr(, arg, location=location))
# We now insert the TryEnd entries
if current_instr_offset in ex_end:
entries = ex_end[current_instr_offset]
for entry in reversed(entries):
> instructions.append(TryEnd(tb_instrs[entry]))
E KeyError: ExceptionTableEntry(start_offset=497, stop_offset=497, target=908, stack_depth=0, push_lasti=False
Looking at the bytecode around the (doubled) offset, there seems to be an EXTENDED_ARG
that is skipped. The original table covers
994 JUMP_FORWARD 360 (to 1716)
whilst the new table only covers the branching instruction
994 JUMP_FORWARD 360 (to 1716)
Small reproducer: we add a
followed immediately by the closingTryEnd
. The code re-compiles fine, but cannot be decompiled againResult: