Hello, I encountered an error when trying to disable efidsefix. please help me fix this error
Steps to reproduce
1.Disable Secure-Boot
Convert Disk in GPT
Windows work in UEFI Mode
C:\Users\vlade\Documents\EfiGuard-v1.4>efidsefix -d
Disabling DSE...
CI!g_CiOptions at 0xFFFFF8042DC283B8.
Failure: EFI SetVariable() did not return any data.
The EfiGuard DXE driver is either not loaded in SETVARIABLE_HOOK mode, or it is malfunctioning.
AdjustCiOptions failed: 0xC000000E
C:\Users\vlade\Documents\EfiGuard-v1.4>efidsefix -d
Disabling DSE...
CI!g_CiOptions at 0xFFFFF8042DC283B8.
Failure: EFI SetVariable() did not return any data.
The EfiGuard DXE driver is either not loaded in SETVARIABLE_HOOK mode, or it is malfunctioning.
AdjustCiOptions failed: 0xC000000E
Operating system
Windows 10 |21H2|
Issue description
Hello, I encountered an error when trying to disable efidsefix. please help me fix this error
Steps to reproduce
1.Disable Secure-Boot
C:\Users\vlade\Documents\EfiGuard-v1.4>efidsefix -d Disabling DSE... CI!g_CiOptions at 0xFFFFF8042DC283B8. Failure: EFI SetVariable() did not return any data. The EfiGuard DXE driver is either not loaded in SETVARIABLE_HOOK mode, or it is malfunctioning. AdjustCiOptions failed: 0xC000000E