Open binarygeek119 opened 2 years ago
ALWAYS MAKE A BACKUP OF ORIGINAL CODE BEFORE ADDING NEW CODE As i can't %100 guarantee it will work or may be not want you are wanting
Added option for film rating (i.e PG-13) and library selection (ie 3d movies, movies, classic movies, etc
Add this to config section
jellyposter_rating = '[Film Rating]' #'GB-PG', 'GB-12A', 'GB-U', 'GB-15', '', 'PG-13', 'GB-18', 'GB-12', 'R', 'TV-MA', 'TV-14', 'TV-PG', 'PG', 'G', 'NR', 'M', 'TV-G', 'TV-Y7'
jellyfin_selected_library = '[Library]' #Add library Name ie 'Movies'`
Replace existing get_RANDOM with this section below:
def get_libaries(jellyfin_selected_library):
#When run will list available libraries
response = requests.get(f'{jellyfin_url}/Users/{jellyfin_userid}/Items?api_key={jellyfin_api_key}')
response = response.json()
for item in response['Items']:
library[item['Name']] = item['Id']
#select library from
def get_RANDOM():
if not jellyfin_selected_library == '':
jellyfin_selected_library_Id = get_libaries(jellyfin_selected_library)
ran_url=(f'{jellyfin_url}/Items?Userid={jellyfin_userid}&limit=1&Recursive=true&IncludeItemTypes=Movie&IsPlayed=False&sortBy=Random&maxOfficialRating={jellyposter_rating}&ParentId={jellyfin_selected_library_Id}&api_key={jellyfin_api_key}') #Use if library selection is found
ran_url=(f'{jellyfin_url}/Items?Userid={jellyfin_userid}&limit=1&Recursive=true&IncludeItemTypes=Movie&IsPlayed=False&sortBy=Random&maxOfficialRating={jellyposter_rating}&api_key={jellyfin_api_key}') # use if no library is assigned or wrong
get_random_movie_poster = requests.get(ran_url)
random_movie_poster = get_random_movie_poster.json()
if not jellyposter_rating == '' or not jellyposter_rating == None:
while random_movie_poster['Items'][0].get('OfficialRating','') == '':
get_random_movie_poster = requests.get(ran_url)
random_movie_poster = get_random_movie_poster.json()
#Setup Variable
jellyfin_movie_id = random_movie_poster['Items'][0]['Id']
jellyfin_playback_poster = (f'{jellyfin_url}/items/{jellyfin_movie_id}/Images/Primary')
jellyposter_top = jellyposter_top_text_idle
jellyposter_middle = jellyfin_playback_poster
jellyposter_bottom = jellyposter_bottom_text_idle
return jellyposter_top, jellyposter_middle, jellyposter_bottom,jellyposter_bottom_text_font_size_idle
i like to able to select which library i like to show 3d movies movies classic movies kids movies as well as tv shows in setting i see this. libraries (names of libraries){ "3d movies", "movies", "classic movies", "kids movies", "tv shows", } this will let jellyposter see where to pull from. also be able to limit the sources.