Mattzobricks / MattzoControllers

MattzoController firmware
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New proposed platformio.ini structure #31

Closed Hilbert70 closed 1 year ago

Hilbert70 commented 1 year ago

I have been experimenting with:

default_envs = az-delivery-devkit-v4
extra_configs =

And it works great, it does not complain if it is not there, and it merges it if it is, in my case, this is the contents of my_platformio.ini:

build_flags = 
upload_com_port = COM4

; Use either the 'upload_port' line above if the ESP32 is connected to your PC's USB port or enable/configure the three lines below to use OTA updates.
; The IP address should match that of the controller on your network.
; The <otaPassword> should match the current password from the network_config.json you previously uploaded to the controller.
;upload_protocol = espota
;upload_port = 192.168.x.y
;upload_protocol = espota
;upload_flags = --auth=mattzobricks
Mattzobricks commented 1 year ago

Fine with me - let Ray decide!

raymondbrink commented 1 year ago

This seems like an interesting option indeed. I still like to play with it a little.

Also you updated the NimBLE reference. That would need to be in a different request.

Mattzobricks commented 1 year ago

To make sure we do not get stuck here, I approve the pull request now.