Mauin / RxFingerprint

Android Fingerprint authentication and encryption with RxJava
Apache License 2.0
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RSA Decryption throwing exception? #76

Closed iprasla closed 6 years ago

iprasla commented 6 years ago

My production code is crashing and the crash log from the play store ANRs & Crashes give me following log. What could be causing this?

  at io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver.onError (
  at io.reactivex.internal.operators.observable.ObservableSubscribeOn$SubscribeOnObserver.onError (
  at io.reactivex.internal.operators.observable.ObservableCreate$CreateEmitter.tryOnError (
  at io.reactivex.internal.operators.observable.ObservableCreate$CreateEmitter.onError (
  at com.mtramin.rxfingerprint.RsaDecryptionObservable.initCryptoObject (
  at com.mtramin.rxfingerprint.FingerprintObservable.subscribe (
  at io.reactivex.internal.operators.observable.ObservableCreate.subscribeActual (
  at io.reactivex.Observable.subscribe (
  at io.reactivex.internal.operators.observable.ObservableSubscribeOn$ (
  at io.reactivex.Scheduler$ (
  at (
  at (
  at (
  at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ (
  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker (
  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ (
  at (
Mauin commented 6 years ago

Thanks for reporting this issue. Do you have more info in the stack trace? The current one doesn't actually show which exception is getting thrown.

iprasla commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately that is all I could get from the crash. This is the crash reported in production and that is all it was posted in the ANRs & crashes in Playstore.

iprasla commented 6 years ago

I found more details on the above error:

01-02 15:47:46.587 7261-7301/? E/ERROR: decrypt
                               RSA private or public key is null
                                            at javax.crypto.Cipher.tryTransformWithProvider(
                                            at javax.crypto.Cipher.tryCombinations(
                                            at javax.crypto.Cipher$SpiAndProviderUpdater.updateAndGetSpiAndProvider(
andro-jedi commented 6 years ago

It seems I have something similar for version 2.2.1 OS VERSION 7.0 Language is Kotlin if it's matter

Fatal Exception: io.reactivex.exceptions.CompositeException: 2 exceptions occurred. 
       at io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver.onError(
       at io.reactivex.internal.operators.observable.ObservableCreate$CreateEmitter.tryOnError(
       at io.reactivex.internal.operators.observable.ObservableCreate$CreateEmitter.onError(
       at com.mtramin.rxfingerprint.RsaDecryptionObservable.onAuthenticationSucceeded(
       at com.mtramin.rxfingerprint.FingerprintObservable$2.onAuthenticationSucceeded(
       at android.hardware.fingerprint.FingerprintManager$MyHandler.sendAuthenticatedSucceeded(
       at android.hardware.fingerprint.FingerprintManager$MyHandler.handleMessage(
       at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
       at android.os.Looper.loop(
       at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
iprasla commented 6 years ago

@PingForward Are you using dialog fragment? My issue was resolved by checking if the fragment was added before or not.

Mauin commented 6 years ago

@PingForward The stacktrace you shared seems like a different issue. It looks like RxFingerprint is not able to correctly decrypt the value you passed in. Was the value previously encrypted by RxFingerprint with RSA?

andro-jedi commented 6 years ago

@iprasla No, this is regular fragment (MvpAppCompatFragment from com.arello-mobile:moxy lib) @Mauin Yes, the encrypted string is correct I used decript function in onStart() of fragment

fun checkIfCanUseFingerPrint(context: Context) {
        if (isFingerprintAvailable(context)) {
            val encryptedString = getEncryptedPassword()
            if (encryptedString.isNotEmpty()) {
                startListenFingerPrint(context, encryptedString)


disposableDecript = RxFingerprint.decrypt(EncryptionMethod.RSA, context, key, encriptedString)
                .subscribe({ decryptionResult ->
                }, { throwable ->
                    if (RxFingerprint.keyInvalidated(throwable)) {
                    **Log.d("RxFingerprint", throwable.message)** // error here, but it's not NPE

I dispose disposableDecript in onDestroy maybe I should move it in to onStop, hmm

Mauin commented 6 years ago

Keeping the same lifecycle between subscribing and disposing would be a good idea to try I think onStart() -> onStop()

Mauin commented 6 years ago

I'm closing this for inactivity. If you see further issues feel free to re-open this issue or create a new one.