Mauin / RxFingerprint

Android Fingerprint authentication and encryption with RxJava
Apache License 2.0
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java.lang.ClassCastException #91

Closed djdominoSVK closed 6 years ago

djdominoSVK commented 6 years ago

I am not able to use AES encryption. (Device: Samsung S8, OS version: 8.0, library version: 2.2.1)


    override fun encrypt(key: String, token: String): Observable<FingerprintScanResult> {
        return RxFingerprint.encrypt(EncryptionMethod.AES, context, key, token).map {


Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to javax.crypto.SecretKey
     at com.mtramin.rxfingerprint.AesCipherProvider.getKey(
     at com.mtramin.rxfingerprint.AesCipherProvider.findOrCreateKey(
     at com.mtramin.rxfingerprint.AesCipherProvider.cipherForEncryption(
     at com.mtramin.rxfingerprint.CipherProvider.getCipherForEncryption(
     at com.mtramin.rxfingerprint.AesEncryptionObservable.initCryptoObject(

Am I missing something or it's really issue?

djdominoSVK commented 6 years ago

I am really sorry, but problem was on my side.

At first I used RSA encryption, and then changed it to AES. Using same key ended up with mentioned exception.

Mauin commented 6 years ago

Glad that you figured it out! 👍