Closed DidaDidaDidaD closed 2 years ago
Could you please share your error message?
Could you please share your error message?
感谢大佬百忙之中回复,我刚接触这个领域,通过主页您的操作说明,确实各种报错,对小白确实不友好,通过json里的一些数据解析,里面各种配置,源码就两个大文件夹,然后又自建各种目录,建议直接将您能运行的那种目录结构和如何搭配不同的json文件做个简单的说明。我遇到的问题应该就是模型加载的不对、数据加载的不对的问题。给人的感觉整体都很混乱,无从下手的感觉,其他的几个源码demo跑起来确实没难度,但您这个源码运行起来确实要费很大的劲研究出错问题 KeyError: "getstate not in root_dir_names {'masked_frames': '../../../../data/VOS_resized2\\masked_frames', 'result_frames': '../../../../data/VOS_resized2\\result_frames', 'optical_flows': '../../../../data/VOS_resized2\\optical_flows'}" --Call--
e:\software-install-dir\anaconda3\envs\videoenv\lib\multiprocessing\ -> def call(self, wr=None,
It seems that you don't provide the full error message. And it seems that the problem is on you do not set the folder correctly. In addition, "e:\" seems to represent that you are using a windows system. All the training and evaluation pipeline is tested on linux system.
It seems that you don't provide the full error message. And it seems that the problem is on you do not set the folder correctly. In addition, "e:" seems to represent that you are using a windows system. All the training and evaluation pipeline is tested on linux system.