MauriceNino / dashdot

A simple, modern server dashboard, primarily used by smaller private servers
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[Feature] Filters on drives #314

Closed codewatzen closed 1 year ago

codewatzen commented 1 year ago

Description of the feature

I think a filter for the drive section would be nice to have. I use mergerfs in my server and I would like to just show my OS drive, the whole mergerfs pool, and the two drives I have shared out in samba. Currently, it just shows all connected drives.

I've attached a screenshot of what it currently looks like and I ran duf to show kind of what I am talking about. firefox_PZuCNH1xWR WindowsTerminal_rcHwmoJX5s

Additional context

Output ``` yarn run v1.22.19 $ node dist/apps/cli/main.js raw-data --storage Disk Layout: [ { device: '/dev/sda', type: 'HD', name: 'WDC WD80EMAZ-00W', vendor: 'Western Digital', size: 8001563222016, bytesPerSector: null, totalCylinders: null, totalHeads: null, totalSectors: null, totalTracks: null, tracksPerCylinder: null, sectorsPerTrack: null, firmwareRevision: '0A83', serialNum: '', interfaceType: 'SAS', smartStatus: 'unknown', temperature: null }, { device: '/dev/sdb', type: 'HD', name: 'ST32000444SS ', vendor: 'Seagate', size: 2000398934016, bytesPerSector: null, totalCylinders: null, totalHeads: null, totalSectors: null, totalTracks: null, tracksPerCylinder: null, sectorsPerTrack: null, firmwareRevision: 'KS68', serialNum: '', interfaceType: 'SAS', smartStatus: 'unknown', temperature: null }, { device: '/dev/sdc', type: 'HD', name: 'ST32000444SS ', vendor: 'Seagate', size: 2000398934016, bytesPerSector: null, totalCylinders: null, totalHeads: null, totalSectors: null, totalTracks: null, tracksPerCylinder: null, sectorsPerTrack: null, firmwareRevision: 'KS68', serialNum: '', interfaceType: 'SAS', smartStatus: 'unknown', temperature: null }, { device: '/dev/sdd', type: 'HD', name: 'WDC WD140EDGZ-11', vendor: 'Western Digital', size: 14000519643136, bytesPerSector: null, totalCylinders: null, totalHeads: null, totalSectors: null, totalTracks: null, tracksPerCylinder: null, sectorsPerTrack: null, firmwareRevision: '0A85', serialNum: '', interfaceType: 'SAS', smartStatus: 'unknown', temperature: null }, { device: '/dev/sde', type: 'HD', name: 'ST32000444SS ', vendor: 'Seagate', size: 2000398934016, bytesPerSector: null, totalCylinders: null, totalHeads: null, totalSectors: null, totalTracks: null, tracksPerCylinder: null, sectorsPerTrack: null, firmwareRevision: 'KS6B', serialNum: '', interfaceType: 'SAS', smartStatus: 'unknown', temperature: null }, { device: '/dev/sdf', type: 'HD', name: 'WDC WD140EDGZ-11', vendor: 'Western Digital', size: 14000519643136, bytesPerSector: null, totalCylinders: null, totalHeads: null, totalSectors: null, totalTracks: null, tracksPerCylinder: null, sectorsPerTrack: null, firmwareRevision: '0A85', serialNum: '', interfaceType: 'SATA', smartStatus: 'unknown', temperature: null }, { device: '/dev/sdg', type: 'HD', name: 'WDC WD140EDGZ-11', vendor: 'Western Digital', size: 14000519643136, bytesPerSector: null, totalCylinders: null, totalHeads: null, totalSectors: null, totalTracks: null, tracksPerCylinder: null, sectorsPerTrack: null, firmwareRevision: '0A85', serialNum: '', interfaceType: 'SATA', smartStatus: 'unknown', temperature: null }, { device: '/dev/sdh', type: 'SSD', name: 'CT500MX500SSD4 ', vendor: 'ATA', size: 500107862016, bytesPerSector: null, totalCylinders: null, totalHeads: null, totalSectors: null, totalTracks: null, tracksPerCylinder: null, sectorsPerTrack: null, firmwareRevision: '020', serialNum: '', interfaceType: 'SATA', smartStatus: 'unknown', temperature: null } ] FS Size: [ { fs: 'overlay', type: 'overlay', size: 487462166528, used: 269739548672, available: 196776816640, use: 57.82, mount: '/' }, { fs: '/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv', type: 'ext4', size: 487462166528, used: 269739548672, available: 196776816640, use: 57.82, mount: '/mnt/host' }, { fs: 'omnitrix', type: 'fuse.mergerfs', size: 33462805078016, used: 29422225276928, available: 4040495915008, use: 87.93, mount: '/mnt/host/mnt/omnitrix' }, { fs: '/dev/loop0', type: 'squashfs', size: 58327040, used: 58327040, available: 0, use: 100, mount: '/mnt/host/snap/core18/2409' }, { fs: '/dev/sdb', type: 'ext4', size: 1967847137280, used: 1172726263808, available: 795104096256, use: 59.59, mount: '/mnt/host/mnt/disk1' }, { fs: '/dev/sde', type: 'ext4', size: 1967847137280, used: 1149695782912, available: 818134577152, use: 58.42, mount: '/mnt/host/mnt/disk4' }, { fs: '/dev/loop1', type: 'squashfs', size: 58327040, used: 58327040, available: 0, use: 100, mount: '/mnt/host/snap/core18/2538' }, { fs: '/dev/sdh2', type: 'ext4', size: 2040373248, used: 214368256, available: 1701855232, use: 11.19, mount: '/mnt/host/boot' }, { fs: '/dev/sdd', type: 'ext4', size: 13779631833088, used: 12961514512384, available: 818100543488, use: 94.06, mount: '/mnt/host/mnt/disk3' }, { fs: '/dev/loop2', type: 'squashfs', size: 65011712, used: 65011712, available: 0, use: 100, mount: '/mnt/host/snap/core20/1593' }, { fs: '/dev/loop3', type: 'squashfs', size: 49283072, used: 49283072, available: 0, use: 100, mount: '/mnt/host/snap/snapd/16292' }, { fs: '/dev/sdc', type: 'ext4', size: 1967847137280, used: 1174214266880, available: 793616093184, use: 59.67, mount: '/mnt/host/mnt/disk2' }, { fs: '/dev/sdg', type: 'ext4', size: 13779631833088, used: 28672, available: 13779615027200, use: 0, mount: '/mnt/host/mnt/parity1' }, { fs: '/dev/loop4', type: 'squashfs', size: 65011712, used: 65011712, available: 0, use: 100, mount: '/mnt/host/snap/core20/1611' }, { fs: '/dev/loop5', type: 'squashfs', size: 73793536, used: 73793536, available: 0, use: 100, mount: '/mnt/host/snap/lxd/21029' }, { fs: '/dev/loop6', type: 'squashfs', size: 71172096, used: 71172096, available: 0, use: 100, mount: '/mnt/host/snap/lxd/22753' }, { fs: '/dev/sda', type: 'ext4', size: 7874790821888, used: 2414292447232, available: 5460481597440, use: 30.66, mount: '/mnt/host/mnt/torrents' }, { fs: '/dev/sdf', type: 'ext4', size: 13779631833088, used: 12964074450944, available: 815540604928, use: 94.08, mount: '/mnt/host/mnt/disk5' } ] Block Devices: [ { name: 'sda', type: 'disk', fsType: 'ext4', mount: '/mnt/host/mnt/torrents', size: 8001563222016, physical: 'HDD', uuid: '4d685860-53d4-401a-ab86-c65df11c4c66', label: '8TB 3.5', model: 'WDC WD80EMAZ-00W', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: 'sas', group: undefined }, { name: 'sdb', type: 'disk', fsType: 'ext4', mount: '/mnt/host/mnt/disk1', size: 2000398934016, physical: 'HDD', uuid: '153d8bf6-180f-47d6-b56f-ccefbb5a2d65', label: '2TB SAS', model: 'ST32000444SS ', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: 'sas', group: undefined }, { name: 'sdc', type: 'disk', fsType: 'ext4', mount: '/mnt/host/mnt/disk2', size: 2000398934016, physical: 'HDD', uuid: '932cecfb-b513-4a88-a3a3-58231563ffd0', label: '2TB SAS', model: 'ST32000444SS ', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: 'sas', group: undefined }, { name: 'sdd', type: 'disk', fsType: 'ext4', mount: '/mnt/host/mnt/disk3', size: 14000519643136, physical: 'HDD', uuid: 'dddf6747-c62d-473a-b692-f860e85b9be5', label: '14TB 3.5', model: 'WDC WD140EDGZ-11', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: 'sas', group: undefined }, { name: 'sde', type: 'disk', fsType: 'ext4', mount: '/mnt/host/mnt/disk4', size: 2000398934016, physical: 'HDD', uuid: '1c3786ee-6954-46c0-9408-28ba0d724c6b', label: '2TB SAS', model: 'ST32000444SS ', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: 'sas', group: undefined }, { name: 'sdf', type: 'disk', fsType: 'ext4', mount: '/mnt/host/mnt/disk5', size: 14000519643136, physical: 'HDD', uuid: '9535d547-1e1d-46f8-9d2b-ff7c2fa75243', label: '14TB 3.5', model: 'WDC WD140EDGZ-11', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: 'sata', group: undefined }, { name: 'sdg', type: 'disk', fsType: 'ext4', mount: '/mnt/host/mnt/parity1', size: 14000519643136, physical: 'HDD', uuid: 'd57a258b-4b20-40fb-b017-68cdbd8ceb13', label: '14TB 3.5', model: 'WDC WD140EDGZ-11', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: 'sata', group: undefined }, { name: 'sdh', type: 'disk', fsType: '', mount: '', size: 500107862016, physical: 'SSD', uuid: '', label: '', model: 'CT500MX500SSD4 ', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: 'sata', group: undefined }, { name: 'loop0', type: 'loop', fsType: 'squashfs', mount: '/mnt/host/snap/core18/2409', size: 58232832, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: undefined }, { name: 'loop1', type: 'loop', fsType: 'squashfs', mount: '/mnt/host/snap/core18/2538', size: 58261504, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: undefined }, { name: 'loop2', type: 'loop', fsType: 'squashfs', mount: '/mnt/host/snap/core20/1593', size: 64970752, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: undefined }, { name: 'loop3', type: 'loop', fsType: 'squashfs', mount: '/mnt/host/snap/snapd/16292', size: 49242112, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: undefined }, { name: 'loop4', type: 'loop', fsType: 'squashfs', mount: '/mnt/host/snap/core20/1611', size: 64966656, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: undefined }, { name: 'loop5', type: 'loop', fsType: 'squashfs', mount: '/mnt/host/snap/lxd/21029', size: 73728000, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: undefined }, { name: 'loop6', type: 'loop', fsType: 'squashfs', mount: '/mnt/host/snap/lxd/22753', size: 71106560, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: undefined }, { name: 'sdh1', type: 'part', fsType: '', mount: '', size: 1048576, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: undefined }, { name: 'sdh2', type: 'part', fsType: 'ext4', mount: '/mnt/host/boot', size: 2147483648, physical: '', uuid: '758b1e32-8dd6-4ec5-a3df-ae9e2b8ca241', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: undefined }, { name: 'sdh3', type: 'part', fsType: 'LVM2_member', mount: '', size: 497957208064, physical: '', uuid: '6NqQ8K-gKP6-frr8-ntxQ-h8js-gFlt-bzRDV4', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: undefined }, { name: 'sr0', type: 'rom', fsType: '', mount: '', size: 1073741312, physical: 'CD/DVD', uuid: '', label: '', model: 'BD CMB UJ141AF ', serial: '', removable: true, protocol: 'sata', group: undefined } ] ```
MauriceNino commented 1 year ago

:tada: This issue has been resolved in version 4.5.0

Please check the changelog for more details.