Open Trymeagain opened 1 year ago
Hi there. How would you envision this feature? Like, where could the extra data be displayed for both the single drive view, and the multi-drive view?
Also, honestly, I don't even know if that data is even readable from within Docker - could you maybe send me an output of the following command:
docker container run -it --rm -v /:/mnt/host:ro --privileged mauricenino/dashdot yarn cli raw-data --storage
Thanks for your reply, If possible, add a few more lines to the list of data on the left to show the temperature data for each drive.
but it looks like it is not possible to get the temperature data within docker.
const disks = [ { device: '/dev/nvme0n1', type: 'NVMe', name: 'SKHynix_HFS512GDE9X084N ', vendor: '', size: 512110190592, bytesPerSector: null, totalCylinders: null, totalHeads: null, totalSectors: null, totalTracks: null, tracksPerCylinder: null, sectorsPerTrack: null, firmwareRevision: '', serialNum: 'CSA3N627111003H2C', interfaceType: 'PCIe', smartStatus: 'unknown', temperature: null }
Hi I think you can use smartctl. You can pass the volume path to the container using the -v option: docker run -v /path/to/volume:/data my-image You will need to Install the smartmontools package inside the Docker container. The container will need to run as a privileged user.
It will be a nice feature
I found can use lm-sensors directly within docker to get nvme temperature, so maybe can develop from that.
/app # sensors nvme-pci-0600 Adapter: PCI adapter Composite: +43.9°C (low = -0.1°C, high = +82.8°C) (crit = +83.8°C) Sensor 1: +36.9°C (low = -273.1°C, high = +65261.8°C) Sensor 2: +38.9°C (low = -273.1°C, high = +65261.8°C)
acpitz-acpi-0 Adapter: ACPI interface temp1: +27.8°C (crit = +110.0°C)
coretemp-isa-0000 Adapter: ISA adapter Package id 0: +41.0°C (high = +105.0°C, crit = +105.0°C) Core 0: +38.0°C (high = +105.0°C, crit = +105.0°C) Core 1: +39.0°C (high = +105.0°C, crit = +105.0°C) Core 2: +38.0°C (high = +105.0°C, crit = +105.0°C) Core 3: +42.0°C (high = +105.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
nvme-pci-0100 Adapter: PCI adapter Composite: +39.9°C (low = -0.1°C, high = +74.8°C) (crit = +89.8°C)
Description of the feature
Can you add the hard disk temperature to the storage module, thank you.
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