MauriceNino / dashdot

A simple, modern server dashboard, primarily used by smaller private servers
MIT License
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[Bug] Storage is Reported as 0% Usage #944

Open blackadar opened 9 months ago

blackadar commented 9 months ago

Description of the bug

This appears to happen for me on multiple installations.


What browsers are you seeing the problem on?


Where is your instance running?

Linux Server

blackadar commented 8 months ago

On the latest release, it appears the bars are all completely full (when the disks are most definitely not full): image

And here's the output of the command which works now:

Output: ```js const disks = [ { device: '/dev/sda', type: 'HD', name: 'WDC WD1002FAEX-0', vendor: 'Western Digital', size: 1000204886016, bytesPerSector: null, totalCylinders: null, totalHeads: null, totalSectors: null, totalTracks: null, tracksPerCylinder: null, sectorsPerTrack: null, firmwareRevision: '1D05', serialNum: '', interfaceType: 'SATA', smartStatus: 'unknown', temperature: null }, { device: '/dev/sdb', type: 'HD', name: 'ST14000VN0008-2K', vendor: 'Seagate', size: 14000519643136, bytesPerSector: null, totalCylinders: null, totalHeads: null, totalSectors: null, totalTracks: null, tracksPerCylinder: null, sectorsPerTrack: null, firmwareRevision: 'SC61', serialNum: '', interfaceType: 'SATA', smartStatus: 'unknown', temperature: null }, { device: '/dev/sdc', type: 'SSD', name: 'CT1000MX500SSD1 ', vendor: 'ATA', size: 1000204886016, bytesPerSector: null, totalCylinders: null, totalHeads: null, totalSectors: null, totalTracks: null, tracksPerCylinder: null, sectorsPerTrack: null, firmwareRevision: '033', serialNum: '', interfaceType: 'SATA', smartStatus: 'unknown', temperature: null }, { device: '/dev/sdd', type: 'HD', name: 'ST14000VN0008-2K', vendor: 'Seagate', size: 14000519643136, bytesPerSector: null, totalCylinders: null, totalHeads: null, totalSectors: null, totalTracks: null, tracksPerCylinder: null, sectorsPerTrack: null, firmwareRevision: 'SC61', serialNum: '', interfaceType: 'SATA', smartStatus: 'unknown', temperature: null }, { device: '/dev/sde', type: 'HD', name: 'Elements 25A3 ', vendor: 'WD', size: 18000174383104, bytesPerSector: null, totalCylinders: null, totalHeads: null, totalSectors: null, totalTracks: null, tracksPerCylinder: null, sectorsPerTrack: null, firmwareRevision: '1031', serialNum: '', interfaceType: 'USB', smartStatus: 'unknown', temperature: null } ] const sizes = [] const blocks = [ { name: 'sda', type: 'disk', fsType: '', mount: '', size: 1000204886016, physical: 'HDD', uuid: '', label: '', model: 'WDC WD1002FAEX-0', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: 'sata', group: '', device: '/dev/sda' }, { name: 'sdb', type: 'disk', fsType: '', mount: '', size: 14000519643136, physical: 'HDD', uuid: '', label: '', model: 'ST14000VN0008-2K', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: 'sata', group: '', device: '/dev/sdb' }, { name: 'sdc', type: 'disk', fsType: '', mount: '', size: 1000204886016, physical: 'SSD', uuid: '', label: '', model: 'CT1000MX500SSD1', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: 'sata', group: '', device: '/dev/sdc' }, { name: 'sdd', type: 'disk', fsType: '', mount: '', size: 14000519643136, physical: 'HDD', uuid: '', label: '', model: 'ST14000VN0008-2K', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: 'sata', group: '', device: '/dev/sdd' }, { name: 'sde', type: 'disk', fsType: '', mount: '', size: 18000174383104, physical: 'HDD', uuid: '', label: '', model: 'Elements 25A3', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: 'usb', group: '', device: '/dev/sde' }, { name: 'loop0', type: 'loop', fsType: 'squashfs', mount: '/mnt/host/snap/bare/5', size: 4096, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '' }, { name: 'loop1', type: 'loop', fsType: 'squashfs', mount: '/mnt/host/snap/core22/864', size: 77492224, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '' }, { name: 'loop10', type: 'loop', fsType: 'squashfs', mount: '/mnt/host/snap/snapd/20671', size: 42393600, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '' }, { name: 'loop11', type: 'loop', fsType: 'squashfs', mount: '/mnt/host/snap/snapd-desktop-integration/83', size: 462848, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '' }, { name: 'loop12', type: 'loop', fsType: 'squashfs', mount: '/mnt/host/snap/core18/2812', size: 58363904, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '' }, { name: 'loop13', type: 'loop', fsType: 'squashfs', mount: '/mnt/host/snap/vlc/3721', size: 336678912, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '' }, { name: 'loop14', type: 'loop', fsType: 'squashfs', mount: '/mnt/host/snap/firefox/3626', size: 257945600, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '' }, { name: 'loop2', type: 'loop', fsType: 'squashfs', mount: '/mnt/host/snap/core22/1033', size: 77713408, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '' }, { name: 'loop4', type: 'loop', fsType: 'squashfs', mount: '/mnt/host/snap/firefox/3600', size: 257859584, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '' }, { name: 'loop5', type: 'loop', fsType: 'squashfs', mount: '/mnt/host/snap/firmware-updater/109', size: 11747328, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '' }, { name: 'loop6', type: 'loop', fsType: 'squashfs', mount: '/mnt/host/snap/gnome-42-2204/141', size: 521121792, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '' }, { name: 'loop7', type: 'loop', fsType: 'squashfs', mount: '/mnt/host/snap/gtk-common-themes/1535', size: 96141312, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '' }, { name: 'loop8', type: 'loop', fsType: 'squashfs', mount: '/mnt/host/snap/snap-store/1046', size: 11026432, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '' }, { name: 'loop9', type: 'loop', fsType: 'squashfs', mount: '/mnt/host/snap/snapd/20290', size: 42840064, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '' }, { name: 'sda1', type: 'part', fsType: '', mount: '', size: 16759808, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '', device: '/dev/sda' }, { name: 'sda2', type: 'part', fsType: 'ntfs', mount: '/mnt/host/media/ben/HDD', size: 1000186314752, physical: '', uuid: '7440B22D40B1F5C8', label: 'HDD', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '', device: '/dev/sda' }, { name: 'sdb1', type: 'part', fsType: '', mount: '', size: 16759808, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '', device: '/dev/sdb' }, { name: 'sdb2', type: 'part', fsType: 'ntfs', mount: '/mnt/host/media/ben/Plex Movies', size: 14000500768768, physical: '', uuid: 'CE8AD89A8AD8807F', label: 'Plex Movies', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '', device: '/dev/sdb' }, { name: 'sdc1', type: 'part', fsType: 'vfat', mount: '/mnt/host/boot/efi', size: 104857600, physical: '', uuid: '76A8-8728', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '', device: '/dev/sdc' }, { name: 'sdc2', type: 'part', fsType: '', mount: '', size: 16777216, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '', device: '/dev/sdc' }, { name: 'sdc3', type: 'part', fsType: 'ntfs', mount: '', size: 492568576000, physical: '', uuid: '5CACAA14ACA9E92A', label: 'SSD', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '', device: '/dev/sdc' }, { name: 'sdc4', type: 'part', fsType: 'ntfs', mount: '', size: 532676608, physical: '', uuid: '46B0D3E3B0D3D80F', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '', device: '/dev/sdc' }, { name: 'sdc5', type: 'part', fsType: 'ext4', mount: '/mnt/host', size: 506979155968, physical: '', uuid: '3a5b79e3-f286-4cb9-bf0d-49688303d6e1', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '', device: '/dev/sdc' }, { name: 'sdd1', type: 'part', fsType: '', mount: '', size: 16759808, physical: '', uuid: '', label: '', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '', device: '/dev/sdd' }, { name: 'sdd2', type: 'part', fsType: 'ntfs', mount: '/mnt/host/media/ben/Plex TV Shows', size: 14000500768768, physical: '', uuid: '5896167F96165DB6', label: 'Plex TV Shows', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '', device: '/dev/sdd' }, { name: 'sde1', type: 'part', fsType: 'ext4', mount: '/mnt/host/media/ben/External A', size: 18000172285952, physical: '', uuid: '11e3bc5f-0955-4f58-b2ec-4568de52b773', label: 'External A', model: '', serial: '', removable: false, protocol: '', group: '', device: '/dev/sde' } ] ```

Thanks so much for taking the time to look into this!

MauriceNino commented 8 months ago

@blackadar Unfortunately it seems like your storage array is completely empty. Have you mounted the host drive into the container?

Can you maybe share your configuration?

blackadar commented 8 months ago

Sure! Here's the actual drive usage: image

And here's the docker compose:

    container_name: dash
    image: mauricenino/dashdot:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
    privileged: true
      - DASHDOT_SHOW_HOST=true
      - DASHDOT_PAGE_TITLE=dash.neon
      - '90:3001'
      - /:/mnt/host:ro
MauriceNino commented 8 months ago

Ok seems correct. Can you share more information about your config?

Also please execute df on your host and also inside the container and post the output.

blackadar commented 8 months ago

df on host:

Filesystem       1K-blocks        Used   Available Use% Mounted on
tmpfs              3277560       72132     3205428   3% /run
/dev/sdc5        486202568   193184608   268246736  42% /
tmpfs             16387784           0    16387784   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                 5120          12        5108   1% /run/lock
efivarfs               128          29          95  24% /sys/firmware/efi/efivars
/dev/sdc1            98304       31843       66461  33% /boot/efi
/dev/sda2        976744444    15631996   961112448   2% /media/ben/HDD
/dev/sdd2      13672364028 11808814688  1863549340  87% /media/ben/Plex TV Shows
/dev/sdb2      13672364028 10276861272  3395502756  76% /media/ben/Plex Movies
tmpfs              3277556         108     3277448   1% /run/user/1000
/dev/sde1      17507296732   201075476 16427290212   2% /media/ben/External A

df on container:

df: /mnt/host/media/ben/Plex\040TV\040Shows: No such file or directory
df: /mnt/host/media/ben/Plex\040Movies: No such file or directory
df: /mnt/host/media/ben/External\040A: No such file or directory
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
overlay              486202568 193184920 268246424  42% /
tmpfs                    65536         0     65536   0% /dev
shm                      65536         0     65536   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sdc5            486202568 193184920 268246424  42% /mnt/host
udev                  16356180         0  16356180   0% /mnt/host/dev
tmpfs                 16387784         0  16387784   0% /mnt/host/dev/shm
tmpfs                  3277560     72156   3205404   2% /mnt/host/run
tmpfs                     5120        12      5108   0% /mnt/host/run/lock
tmpfs                  3277556       108   3277448   0% /mnt/host/run/user/1000
tmpfs                  3277560     72156   3205404   2% /mnt/host/run/snapd/ns
efivarfs                   128        28        95  23% /mnt/host/sys/firmware/efi/efivars
/dev/sdc1                98304     31843     66461  32% /mnt/host/boot/efi
/dev/loop0                 128       128         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/bare/5
/dev/loop1               57088     57088         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/core18/2812
/dev/loop2               75904     75904         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/core22/1033
/dev/loop3               75776     75776         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/core22/864
/dev/loop4              251904    251904         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/firefox/3600
/dev/loop5              251904    251904         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/firefox/3626
/dev/loop6               11520     11520         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/firmware-updater/109
/dev/loop7              508928    508928         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/gnome-42-2204/141
/dev/loop8               93952     93952         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/gtk-common-themes/1535
/dev/loop9               10880     10880         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/snap-store/1046
/dev/loop10              41856     41856         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/snapd/20290
/dev/loop11              41472     41472         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/snapd/20671
/dev/loop12                512       512         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/snapd-desktop-integration/83
/dev/sdc5            486202568 193184920 268246424  42% /mnt/host/var/snap/firefox/common/host-hunspell
/dev/loop13             328832    328832         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/vlc/3721
/dev/sda2            976744444  15631996 961112448   2% /mnt/host/media/ben/HDD
overlay              486202568 193184916 268246428  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/046b39ab92c9055488da835b0a0038b4b77ef112d498cbdbb842279da0994080/merged
overlay              486202568 193184916 268246428  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/e4d20bdf2ef8e10541784926dc41564f43ce8e1ed354f6233456b60d4b0ab718/merged
overlay              486202568 193184916 268246428  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/5e6d65ad5cf71502bce56bdb33cd18d2db0be642faede51605f5c2954f992abf/merged
overlay              486202568 193184916 268246428  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/bd13867a162fe5f3249ee466054a3d614b63dfd659619b5db7643e571b4ab6cc/merged
overlay              486202568 193184916 268246428  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/e5af5ce88be939123599e9f620116a8fc06ef2067d86fc9ba49a7b343d278801/merged
overlay              486202568 193184916 268246428  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/3cc27256ee69b5cde7fad4ae5c2b18c2cebb56d57c0f4144f10276dfcf400c2c/merged
overlay              486202568 193184916 268246428  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/6d060ba456e01dd8065a052d8b9eb18cf05b1b4720bd53349caa866cce93a522/merged
overlay              486202568 193184916 268246428  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/88f76af4e9925e612e9cdf631af6f1e2ed1def74f0e4a16eb5e7757ff5fe76e6/merged
overlay              486202568 193184916 268246428  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/11c0a5d827a21dfa523986dc2dc6ea4d91360e9f9a31571ece1e8bdabc6f6efd/merged
overlay              486202568 193184916 268246428  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/e2ea2e222aa59f0c183185368882025d4bbd5b7f122d996041a5cba1f9cce6e6/merged
overlay              486202568 193184916 268246428  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/6db9ba5a73f2d7e8c262329669e05a2ec3e37ac7f8bf31627986ecc6547db2f9/merged
overlay              486202568 193184916 268246428  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/91d6a1b66a77bbb5bd4fc143793ccc4491b8f768705b57ae870feef7fb53b7c3/merged
overlay              486202568 193184916 268246428  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/5d9972b897b8c8c2d6b8821c160986e31f51c4c02ebbb09c8f4b0802169264ad/merged
overlay              486202568 193184916 268246428  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/2c94c3939798c0dc997f68ad9e9686d5c6dfa69fc52bc4e6076fdc72a79db017/merged
overlay              486202568 193184916 268246428  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/2ddc9a10e3f5bb72e09b519c6daf37aaf40a5887fe0d114a9979b8454bff06db/merged
overlay              486202568 193184916 268246428  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/cbe9eb188e12cd2335d65f3b59958030e7497f76cfaa1d6a02378c03072f3295/merged
overlay              486202568 193184916 268246428  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/cd8403251575898ab5d01f844ab04b347b5f3ca76a2795f22c1e2ad024d7c717/merged
overlay              486202568 193184916 268246428  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/cd8403251575898ab5d01f844ab04b347b5f3ca76a2795f22c1e2ad024d7c717/merged
tmpfs                    65536         0     65536   0% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/cd8403251575898ab5d01f844ab04b347b5f3ca76a2795f22c1e2ad024d7c717/merged/dev
shm                      65536         0     65536   0% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/cd8403251575898ab5d01f844ab04b347b5f3ca76a2795f22c1e2ad024d7c717/merged/dev/shm
/dev/sdc5            486202568 193184916 268246428  42% /etc/resolv.conf
/dev/sdc5            486202568 193184916 268246428  42% /etc/hostname
/dev/sdc5            486202568 193184916 268246428  42% /etc/hosts
overlay              486202568 193184916 268246428  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/d8e29ad1118691e6ad31aac7e51ed1490d7c1267e61f3dbcf01e040ff640abc9/merged
overlay              486202568 193184916 268246428  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/030b03ed223c60ca034811ca543d5f581ec1c18f6f275495e4a4feea9bf980f5/merged
overlay              486202568 193184916 268246428  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/c57f8edaa75b4bfa04412e03511aaddfd18a92aa73eea518564dc7df92d7c7cb/merged

Wonder if this is an issue with Docker interacting with those mount points? Looks like df in the container isn't happy. Thanks for the help :)

MauriceNino commented 8 months ago

Hm, weird, I don't get why you have those errors. Maybe because the mount is owned by another user?

Can you please execute the following command inside the docker container and paste the output?

df -kPT
blackadar commented 7 months ago

I tried specifically adding the mount points as docker volumes which had no effect.

Here is the container output of df -kPT:

Filesystem           Type       1024-blocks    Used Available Capacity Mounted on
overlay              overlay    486202568 195889092 265542252  42% /
tmpfs                tmpfs          65536         0     65536   0% /dev
shm                  tmpfs          65536         0     65536   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sdc5            ext4       486202568 195889092 265542252  42% /mnt/host
udev                 devtmpfs    16356180         0  16356180   0% /mnt/host/dev
tmpfs                tmpfs       16387784         0  16387784   0% /mnt/host/dev/shm
tmpfs                tmpfs        3277560    155632   3121928   5% /mnt/host/run
tmpfs                tmpfs           5120        12      5108   0% /mnt/host/run/lock
tmpfs                tmpfs        3277556       100   3277456   0% /mnt/host/run/user/1000
tmpfs                tmpfs        3277560    155632   3121928   5% /mnt/host/run/snapd/ns
efivarfs             efivarfs         128        28        95  23% /mnt/host/sys/firmware/efi/efivars
/dev/sdc1            vfat           98304     31843     66461  32% /mnt/host/boot/efi
/dev/loop0           squashfs         128       128         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/bare/5
/dev/loop1           squashfs       57088     57088         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/core18/2812
/dev/loop2           squashfs       75904     75904         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/core22/1033
/dev/loop3           squashfs       75776     75776         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/core22/864
/dev/loop5           squashfs      251904    251904         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/firefox/3626
/dev/loop6           squashfs       11520     11520         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/firmware-updater/109
/dev/loop7           squashfs      508928    508928         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/gnome-42-2204/141
/dev/loop8           squashfs       93952     93952         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/gtk-common-themes/1535
/dev/loop9           squashfs       10880     10880         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/snap-store/1046
/dev/loop10          squashfs       41856     41856         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/snapd/20290
/dev/loop11          squashfs       41472     41472         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/snapd/20671
/dev/loop12          squashfs         512       512         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/snapd-desktop-integration/83
/dev/sdc5            ext4       486202568 195889088 265542256  42% /mnt/host/var/snap/firefox/common/host-hunspell
/dev/loop13          squashfs      328832    328832         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/vlc/3721
/dev/sda2            fuseblk    976744444  15631996 961112448   2% /mnt/host/media/ben/HDD
df: /mnt/host/media/ben/Plex\040TV\040Shows: No such file or directory
df: /mnt/host/media/ben/Plex\040Movies: No such file or directory
df: /mnt/host/media/ben/External\040A: No such file or directory
overlay              overlay    486202568 195889088 265542256  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/046b39ab92c9055488da835b0a0038b4b77ef112d498cbdbb842279da0994080/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195889088 265542256  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/5e6d65ad5cf71502bce56bdb33cd18d2db0be642faede51605f5c2954f992abf/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195889088 265542256  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/e2ea2e222aa59f0c183185368882025d4bbd5b7f122d996041a5cba1f9cce6e6/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195889088 265542256  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/6db9ba5a73f2d7e8c262329669e05a2ec3e37ac7f8bf31627986ecc6547db2f9/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195889088 265542256  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/5d9972b897b8c8c2d6b8821c160986e31f51c4c02ebbb09c8f4b0802169264ad/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195889088 265542256  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/c57f8edaa75b4bfa04412e03511aaddfd18a92aa73eea518564dc7df92d7c7cb/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195889088 265542256  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/777b5e4001f295c54ce1b265ffa1889d1f6ac6d2b4ddfb5beeece6dd7f3d8a2e/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195889088 265542256  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/b1e5f7a979ca4ec25c465c1fa53bc703a2edb593bf6c367ce09e82a01824b185/merged
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overlay              overlay    486202568 195889088 265542256  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/06cd44d07304279d5310d490e41669233d7023d513b27a5e240e86f66ca2dcd5/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195889088 265542256  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/d41f118ed8e2119f67358c10b60c4577cd19507494eb8a583be43a4195913ba4/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195889088 265542256  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/9c22c0ce031b8c07be4f4116da67cedde2688da560f9fc4b92389c154dd0a1f2/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195889088 265542256  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/4f58885ecc0ec422a5ac940aa0d56e4cc3254a7048671c2973f105b12a0a70ed/merged
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/dev/loop14          squashfs      268928    268928         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/firefox/3687
overlay              overlay    486202568 195889088 265542256  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/ba7622703adea469fe9f68ba4f44b356f65fab6731c58b3564940fdfb0b861bd/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195889088 265542256  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/cbc6f219c616b226dd5ff76585ce590a69ae675e02b7429d302fd651a2f2020f/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195889088 265542256  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/47c80f7110798da34dc7ca84c4c8dc17bc82960302a0cb714e01eacb3941217f/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195889088 265542256  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/fe39ced86fcb6ee402706f64e84c61370ff7106f6f8f77afa87dbbf1b20db0ff/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195889088 265542256  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/f904eca96914ff352b7c5fadfc914a48aa098c02001dbeb6b8e48e92d60585b7/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195889088 265542256  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/3a4ba91425d00073d83e6d14b7dd0ea41d4b6c8b8772714b8cdb8a44573fd5cf/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195889088 265542256  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/3a4ba91425d00073d83e6d14b7dd0ea41d4b6c8b8772714b8cdb8a44573fd5cf/merged
tmpfs                tmpfs          65536         0 df: /media/ben/Plex\040Movies: No such file or directory
df: /media/ben/Plex\040TV\040Shows: No such file or directory
df: /media/ben/External\040A: No such file or directory
    65536   0% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/3a4ba91425d00073d83e6d14b7dd0ea41d4b6c8b8772714b8cdb8a44573fd5cf/merged/dev
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/dev/sdc5            ext4       486202568 195889088 265542256  42% /etc/hostname
/dev/sdc5            ext4       486202568 195889088 265542256  42% /etc/hosts
/dev/sda2            fuseblk    976744444  15631996 961112448   2% /media/ben/HDD

And dash now looks like this: image

Undoing the specific volume mount change yields similar output:

Filesystem           Type       1024-blocks    Used Available Capacity Mounted on
overlay              overlay    486202568 195888588 265542756  42% /
tmpfs                tmpfs          65536         0     65536   0% /dev
shm                  tmpfs          65536         0     65536   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sdc5            ext4       486202568 195888588 265542756  42% /mnt/host
udev                 devtmpfs    16356180         0  16356180   0% /mnt/host/dev
tmpfs                tmpfs       16387784         0  16387784   0% /mnt/host/dev/shm
tmpfs                tmpfs        3277560    155672   3121888   5% /mnt/host/run
tmpfs                tmpfs           5120        12      5108   0% /mnt/host/run/lock
tmpfs                tmpfs        3277556       100   3277456   0% /mnt/host/run/user/1000
tmpfs                tmpfs        3277560    155672   3121888   5% /mnt/host/run/snapd/ns
efivarfs             efivarfs         128        28        95  23% /mnt/host/sys/firmware/efi/efivars
/dev/sdc1            vfat           98304     31843     66461  32% /mnt/host/boot/efi
/dev/loop0           squashfs         128       128         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/bare/5
/dev/loop1           squashfs       57088     57088         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/core18/2812
/dev/loop2           squashfs       75904     75904         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/core22/1033
/dev/loop3           squashfs       75776     75776         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/core22/864
/dev/loop5           squashfs      251904    251904         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/firefox/3626
/dev/loop6           squashfs       11520     11520         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/firmware-updater/109
/dev/loop7           squashfs      508928    508928         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/gnome-42-2204/141
/dev/loop8           squashfs       93952     93952         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/gtk-common-themes/1535
/dev/loop9           squashfs       10880     10880         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/snap-store/1046
/dev/loop10          squashfs       41856     41856         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/snapd/20290
/dev/loop11          squashfs       41472     41472         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/snapd/20671
/dev/loop12          squashfs         512       512         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/snapd-desktop-integration/83
/dev/sdc5            ext4       486202568 195888588 265542756  42% /mnt/host/var/snap/firefox/common/host-hunspell
/dev/loop13          squashfs      328832    328832         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/vlc/3721
/dev/sda2            fuseblk    976744444  15631996 961112448   2% /mnt/host/media/ben/HDD
overlay              overlay    486202568 195888588 265542756  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/046b39ab92c9055488da835b0a0038b4b77ef112d498cbdbb842279da0994080/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195888588 265542756  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/5e6d65ad5cf71502bce56bdb33cd18d2db0be642faede51605f5c2954f992abf/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195888588 265542756  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/e2ea2e222aa59f0c183185368882025d4bbd5b7f122d996041a5cba1f9cce6e6/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195888588 265542756  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/6db9ba5a73f2d7e8c262329669e05a2ec3e37ac7f8bf31627986ecc6547db2f9/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195888588 265542756  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/5d9972b897b8c8c2d6b8821c160986e31f51c4c02ebbb09c8f4b0802169264ad/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195888588 265542756  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/c57f8edaa75b4bfa04412e03511aaddfd18a92aa73eea518564dc7df92d7c7cb/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195888588 265542756  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/777b5e4001f295c54ce1b265ffa1889d1f6ac6d2b4ddfb5beeece6dd7f3d8a2e/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195888588 265542756  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/b1e5f7a979ca4ec25c465c1fa53bc703a2edb593bf6c367ce09e82a01824b185/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195888588 265542756  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/8c687211005b9df757a107e8f8a6c218a56061019e9bda756294422ce0bec542/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195888588 265542756  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/aa6a1ae4e101ec0a761946c082e71e05a35ed6a00a4922872445e89fe231ecb4/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195888588 265542756  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/06cd44d07304279d5310d490e41669233d7023d513b27a5e240e86f66ca2dcd5/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195888588 265542756  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/d41f118ed8e2119f67358c10b60c4577cd19507494eb8a583be43a4195913ba4/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195888588 265542756  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/9c22c0ce031b8c07be4f4116da67cedde2688da560f9fc4b92389c154dd0a1f2/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195888588 265542756  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/4f58885ecc0ec422a5ac940aa0d56e4cc3254a7048671c2973f105b12a0a70ed/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195888588 265542756  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/bf23c9a2e5f7570013cc1f5506f6b4092f69d17c8a8c3eb755e12c5c5c79e3ca/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195888588 265542756  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/5419f36ff8e024010d355d45a55d584818689f47cfcf6bd1619cfba3a5206b1e/merged
/dev/loop14          squashfs      268928    268928         0 100% /mnt/host/snap/firefox/3687
overlay              overlay    486202568 195888588 265542756  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/ba7622703adea469fe9f68ba4f44b356f65fab6731c58b3564940fdfb0b861bd/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195888588 265542756  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/cbc6f219c616b226dd5ff76585ce590a69ae675e02b7429d302fd651a2f2020f/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195888584 265542760  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/47c80f7110798da34dc7ca84c4c8dc17bc82960302a0cb714e01eacb3941217f/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195888584 265542760  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/fe39ced86fcb6ee402706f64e84c61370ff7106f6f8f77afa87dbbf1b20db0ff/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195888584 265542760  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/f904eca96914ff352b7c5fadfc914a48aa098c02001dbeb6b8e48e92d60585b7/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195888584 265542760  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/43d5308e4f00af5a33c3cce78a4b5018026d8b9460cce42a7c741a8e97f0e232/merged
overlay              overlay    486202568 195888584 265542760  42% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/43d5308e4f00af5a33c3cce78a4b5018026d8b9460cce42a7c741a8e97f0e232/merged
tmpfs                tmpfs          65536         0     65536   0% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/43d5308e4f00af5a33c3cce78a4b5018026d8b9460cce42a7c741a8e97f0e232/merged/dev
shm                  tmpfs          65536         0     65536   0% /mnt/host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/43d5308e4f00af5a33c3cce78a4b5018026d8b9460cce42a7c741a8e97f0e232/merged/dev/shm
/dev/sdc5            ext4       486202568 195888584 265542760  42% /etc/resolv.conf
/dev/sdc5            ext4       486202568 195888584 265542760  42% /etc/hostname
/dev/sdc5            ext4       486202568 195888584 265542760  42% /etc/hosts
df: /mnt/host/media/ben/Plex\040TV\040Shows: No such file or directory
df: /mnt/host/media/ben/Plex\040Movies: No such file or directory
df: /mnt/host/media/ben/External\040A: No such file or directory
blackadar commented 5 months ago

Just an update, this is still a problem post- OS upgrade. Let me know if any info would be helpful :)


blackadar commented 5 months ago

Interestingly enough... switching to the nvidia tag fixed it for me:
