MaurizioB / Bigglesworth

An editor for Waldorf Blofeld, free and cross-platform
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Want to build 64bit for MAC OS #13

Open rexwreyes opened 8 months ago

rexwreyes commented 8 months ago

I'm not too fluent in python but would like to build this for MAC OS 64 bit. Can anyone help with where to start with this?

MaurizioB commented 8 months ago

Unfortunately, this program was written in Qt4, at a time where it was already near its EOL (and, believe me, I sincerely regret that poor choice, as it was mostly caused by laziness). This, along with the fact that macOS has gone to 64bit only (the only Apple computer I own is too old for such a switch) is one of the many reasons for which I wasn't able to properly provide further updates. In order to make the current codebase runnable for a modern Apple machine means being able to build Qt4 on such a target computer/OS, which is not an easy task to begin with.

I've been thinking about updating Bigglesworth for years but, since I've become more experienced in the meantime, I realized that the only proper way to do so would mean to completely rewrite at least 90% of the code, otherwise maintenance would become a complete nightmare. And the problem remains: with new macOS versions, building and releasing free software has become even harder.

I cannot yet exclude that I will eventually go back to it, and rewrite it from scratch, but I cannot make any promise.