Maushundb / quick-editor

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support for sass #1

Open ghost opened 9 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

add support for SASS pls

benadamstyles commented 9 years ago

Don't know if this is useful but I'll register my desire for SASS support too – :+1:!

Maushundb commented 9 years ago

Yeah this is definitely something I want to do...but the syntax is a little trickier to parse and would take quite a bit of refactoring of some things (my fault really for not thinking this far ahead) so its somewhat on the back burner for the time being. I'm currently focusing on improving functionality for currently supported file types.

I'll post here again when I start working on it!

dahliacreative commented 8 years ago

Does anyone actually use Less or Scss? 👍 for Sass support!

dahliacreative commented 8 years ago

On a side note, I use bem so all my filenames match the css class names I use, eg class="card-widget would be in card-widget.sass how hard would it be to just get the quick editor to open up the corresponding file and if one doesn't exist give the option to create it?

I've never done any type of editor plugin before, but if it was relatively simple I could branch and have a bash, don't know how far I would get as from what I've seen looks a bit over my head.