Open dgagn opened 7 years ago
Atom: 1.17.0-beta5 x64 Electron: 1.3.15 OS: Mac OS X 10.12.4 Thrown From: quick-editor package 0.4.3
Failed to load the quick-editor package
At .focus is undefined in /Applications/
LessError: .focus is undefined
at /Applications/
angular2-snippets 0.3.0
ascii-hex 0.2.0
atom-beautify 0.29.24
atom-bootstrap4 1.4.0
atom-clock 0.1.7
atom-justify 0.4.1
atom-live-server 2.1.2
atom-name-that-color 0.2.0
atom-python-run 0.7.3
autocomplete-clang 0.11.3
busy-signal 1.4.1
color-picker 2.2.5
css-declaration-sorter 1.0.0
dracula-theme 2.0.3
dracula-ui 0.4.1
file-icons 2.1.4
find-selection 0.16.0
fonts 2.0.0
format-sql 0.3.0
hyperclick 0.0.40
icon-fonts 2.16.2
intentions 1.1.2
language-arduino 0.4.3
language-lisp 0.2.0
language-prolog 0.10.0
language-unityscript 0.37.0
linter 2.1.4
linter-prolog 0.2.0
linter-ui-default 1.3.0
open-recent 5.0.0
php-server 0.7.0
pigments 0.39.1
postcss-sorting 2.10.0
px-to-em 2.6.3
quick-editor 0.4.3
script 3.14.1
sort-attributes 0.2.4
sort-lines 0.14.0
sorter 1.1.0
tag 0.5.0
titanium-alloy 0.13.9
uppercatom-letter 0.1.0
Same here
Error compiling Less stylesheet: /Users/username/.atom/packages/quick-editor/styles/quick-editor.less Line number: 73 .focus is undefined Close All Failed to load the quick-editor package .focus is undefined in /Applications/
I'm having the same issue presented by @kwwii.
Get the same issue, any solution?
It seems that the developer abandoned this pack.
Mine was working just fine when i had the version 1.15 but its showing error since i updated it to 1.18 OS: Ubuntu 16.04.2
So what? Are there any solutions?
If someone knows how to give focus correctly in .less then I'm sure it could be fixed. Either that or building ones own package for CSS. There is a nice quick editor called "code-peek" for Atom, but it does not currently support CSS. If anyone knows how to submit the regex it sounds like he is open to adding more languages.
I find this error to occur only when using one-light UI theme. Can someone confirm this? It does not happen when the one-light editor theme is selected
[Enter steps to reproduce:]
Atom: 1.15.0 x64 Electron: 1.3.13 OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home Thrown From: quick-editor package 0.4.3
Stack Trace
Failed to load the quick-editor package
Non-Core Packages