Mavodeli / spaceroguelite

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level ideas #6

Closed Mavodeli closed 1 year ago

Mavodeli commented 1 year ago

Escape the charged nebula as first level/ segment

KarylReyne commented 1 year ago
RicoKiwi commented 1 year ago

Level in a different (maybe abandoned / by parasites occupied) spaceship

m-madeja commented 1 year ago

Local planets, space ships and asteroid-fields are unlockable and reachable via an EVA-Pod-like motorized escape pod. The player has to explore these environments, as they bare the necessary ressources needed for reparing the ship. They might find a sort-of "starship scrapyard" to hunt for specific parts, or take what's needed from somebody elses functioning ship (stealing;D).

Unpleasantly, the protagonist has to leave their ship unattended aswell. Therefore they can't stay in distant regions for to long, otherwise parts might be stolen from their ship!

Mavodeli commented 1 year ago

for room based levels the camera snaps to the room (for large rooms it is bound to the room, but follows the player)

KarylReyne commented 1 year ago

Spaceship hub

Interaction points

KarylReyne commented 1 year ago


opens inside the active scene (e.g. skyrim)

KarylReyne commented 1 year ago

Levels Overview

KarylReyne commented 1 year ago

Story: Hub

KarylReyne commented 1 year ago

Story: Space Level

KarylReyne commented 1 year ago

Story: Wrecked Spaceship

KarylReyne commented 1 year ago

Story: Research Facility