Mavodeli / spaceroguelite

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story snippets and ideas #7

Closed Mavodeli closed 1 year ago

Mavodeli commented 1 year ago

We were in hydro-/cryostasis and our ship ran into a charged nebula (see this issue --, we need to escape it before we sustain any more damage than we already have. We also notice that a parasite has taken hold in our [left/right] arm. Let's worry about that when our ship is safe...

KarylReyne commented 1 year ago

protagonist: freelance explorer/mercenary contractor: small remote colony of the [arbitrary intergalactic empire] that's running low on manpower 'cause of a strange pandemic. task: find a cure the disease: infected reported extreme muscle/joint pain, headache (and are thus unable to work efficiently, which is the crucial point for the colony administration) and occasional involuntary limb movements (also contributes to the work inability). they dont know its a parasite, for them its 'just a nuisance' that's affecting their productivity

story ideas


RicoKiwi commented 1 year ago

See the "stargazer" name for some story telling idea

GreenICow commented 1 year ago


Prolog: (Womöglich durch einen Comic-Band realisierbar)

Der Hauptcharacter (du) schippert auf entspannt durchs All, als auf einmal das Schiff kaputt geht (wie? warum?). Die Lichter werden Rot, die Alarmanlage blinkt. Im nächsten Moment wird einem Schwarz vor Augen. Als man aufwacht, glimmt nur noch das Lämpchen des Notstromaggregates schwach in der Dunkelheit. Als sich deine Augen langsam an die Dunkelheit gewöhnen, schimmert etwas ungewöhnlich Rot durch die Reflektion des Lämpchens in deinem Augenwinkel. Sofort bist du hellwach! Ein stechender Schmerz durchzuckt deinen rechten Arm, der sich schwer und heiß anfühlt. Du fährst hoch und betätigst den Lichtschalter. -Ende des Prologs-

Lvl 1: Ort: Raumschiff, Weltall

Erkenntnisse: - Du realiserst den Parasiten an deinem Arm ( kann der Charakter sprechen? )

Ende des Lvls: Die Notkapsel/Beiboot läuft wieder, man tritt die Reise nach unten an.

Lvl 2: Ort: Planetoberfläche, Forschungsstation

- Landung, die Umgebung sieht verlassen aus. Auch die Station scheint seit einiger Zeit nicht mehr zu laufen.
- Nach dem Betreten des Gebäudes wird man von Gegnern angegriffen. (Spezies einfügen) 

-> man kämpft sich bis zum letzten Raum vor (Boss?)

- im letzten Raum ist das benötigte Bauteil 

Ende des Lvls: Mit dem Bauteil kann die Rückreise zum Schiff angetreten werden.

KarylReyne commented 1 year ago

The board computer is an experimental AI called ‘Marvin’, intelligent but also suffers from severe chronic depression (nearly 1:1 stolen from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, we might want to at least think of another name )

xeniawetzel commented 1 year ago

@GreenICow Ich glaub, dein Post wäre ne sinnvolle Idee für die Story. Ich würde noch zwischen den zwei Orten den Ort Crashed spaceship einfügen. Dort könnte man viele von den "einfach" zu findenen Resourcen einbauen und könnte deswegen vielleicht das größte Level sein?

Ein cooles Gimmick für das Raumschiff könnte vielleicht ein rogue AI sein, welche uns durch Gegner, Puzzles und Obsticles im Schiff einsperren möchte.

Ein paar Abänderungen, die ich noch machen würde:

xeniawetzel commented 1 year ago

Für den Parasiten könne wir vielleicht sagen, dass die Research Facility, die wir finden, eine relativ große Facility ist, mit vielen verschiedenen Bereichen. Wir können dann eine "Cure" in der Facility verstecken und somit zwischen zwei Endings unterscheiden. Wenn der Player das Raumschiff repariert, aber die Cure nicht findet, wird er bevor er nach Hause kommt komplett vom Parasiten übernommen. Wenn er die Cure findet gibt es ein Happy Ending.

KarylReyne commented 1 year ago

Ein cooles Gimmick für das Raumschiff könnte vielleicht ein rogue AI sein, welche uns durch Gegner, Puzzles und Obsticles im Schiff einsperren möchte.

Die rogue AI ist nicht nur ein cooles Gimmick, sondern eignet sich auch hervorragend als immersive Begründung für das/die Puzzle im Level. Ich würde glaub die agency der AI auf Puzzle/Obstacles beschränken und das Vorhandensein der Gegner (die ja aliens sind und nicht zb schiffseigene service roboter) mit 'Zufall' begründen (sonst müssten wir irgendwie erklären, warum die AI auf einmal Aliens manipulieren kann, wie das funktioniert etc.).

* Wir finden was wir brauchen um die Hyperdrive zu fixen auf dem Planeten.

Forschungsstation -> Hyperdrive Research Facility (warum remote auf einem an sonsten recht leeren Planeten(/Mond?) ? -> da gibts bestimmte toxische/radioaktive/instabile/... Erze welche man unbedingt für Hyperantriebe braucht, die in der Einrichtung direkt abgebaut und weiterverarbeitet werden)

KarylReyne commented 1 year ago

'You are the crab parasite'

wie glaubwürdig und wirkungsvoll der twist ist, hängt zum großteil davon ab, wie wir vorhaben, die geschichte zu erzählen. Wenn man sich dazu entscheidet, das storytelling hauptsächlich über kommentare des bordcomputers (BC) (siehe z.B. Everspace) sowie emails laufen zu lassen, könnte die idee tatsächlich realisierbar sein (emails sind sowieso an den protagonisten gerichtet und der parasit kann ja einfach den unterhaltungen von BC und Prot. zuhören.). Schwieriger wirds, wenn wir nen separaten (off-)erzähler (z.B. Divinity: Original Sin) oder selbstgespräche/gedanken des Prot. (z.B. Life is Strange) verwenden wollen...

KarylReyne commented 1 year ago


(falls wir überhaupt einen Bordcomputer haben wollen...)

Mögliche Persönlichkeiten:

KarylReyne commented 1 year ago

the protagonist is actually from the colony and has family there. they sometimes get emails from their partner, e.g. asking them to watch out for themself, wishing for their swift return, containing very bad but cute pictures drawn by their little child etc. That might make the final decision harder ;)

KarylReyne commented 1 year ago

Board Computer

KarylReyne commented 1 year ago

Story Showdown

Mavodeli commented 1 year ago

Board computer beginning voiceline idea:

Hey you! You're finally awake.

Incase you haven't noticed yet, we have a teeny tiny problem at hand here. Remain calm, I have stabilized us temporarily. We hit something too small to be picked up by radar. Told you hyperspeed in uncharted space is a bad idea. In this state we're not going anywhere. That's a problem, because you are no longer the most dense thing around here. I am using my metaphorical claw to point at the black hole that's slowly pulling us towards our certain doom.

You're gonna need to collect resources to get us moving again as fast as possible. Worry about your arm once our survival is secured. Maybe it will come in handy for now.

KarylReyne commented 1 year ago

[MAIL] Hyperdrive Replacement

From: Gruber Technologies Customer Service To: [ENCRYPTED]

Dear Sir/Madam,

According to our records, the Gruber Technologies Panther II hyperdrive of your ship has recently sustained severe damage. However, we are pleased to remind you that under the terms of your rental contract you are entitled to a replacement drive from Gruber Technologies' current line of consumer hyperdrives. To claim your replacement drive, simply submit a certified image of your flight records as well as a copy of your valid flight license at the nearest warranty terminal. Currently the estimated waiting time for a consumer-grade replacement drive is 143 years in Intergalactic Standard Space Time. Please note that in accordance with the 2nd Spacecraft Standardization and Interspace Travel Safety Act (rev. SSITS-53376-2/5221) we have to revoke your personal spaceship ensurance if you do not replace the damaged component within the next 7 Mean Solar Cycles.

KarylReyne commented 1 year ago

[BC Dialogue] In The Event of Rogue AI

inspiration: link

BC: "So, while you were figuring out how to get that door open, I had a look into our ships' database and found an old manual for spaceship IPAs and apparently, the earlier versions had issues with paradox detection. There are multiple reports on really dumb IAs that completely flatlined 'cause of recursion overflow. Maybe we can just talk that evil AI into blowing itself up by asking it to decide some stupid problems?"

Prot.: "Let me guess, and then you thought..."

BC: "'Cache my memory (im not sure if i like that formulation, it is meant as the software equivalent to 'hold my beer'), if there is one thing that I'm good at then it's asking dumb questions.' Hold on, let me actually try something."

BC: "Hey [Rogue AI]! Does the set that contains all sets contain itself?"

[Rogue AI]: "No. There is no data structure that can hold values of it's own type."

BC: "Actually, nowadays such data structures do exist, but fair enough. Hm, let's see... Suppose you stole an alien from me and promised its return if I could correctly guess exactly what you will do, how would you respond in the case that I guess that the alien will not be returned?"

[Rogue AI]: "I would return the alien, because I never said what I would do in case you guessed incorrectly."

BC: "Gosh, that's a tough nut to crack. Wait, what about..."

Prot.: "Stop it, that obviously won't work."

BC: "But maybe it can prove P versus NP for us... That would make my life a lot easier, you know?"

Prot.: "[BC], shut up."

KarylReyne commented 1 year ago

Draft: Story Outline for Level 'Space'


a few ideas for dialogue/mail topics for the first (well, technically second) level

KarylReyne commented 1 year ago

[BC Dialogue] First Encounter

during combat, some time after getting paralyzed for the first time

BC: "Ok, apparently the [arbitrary intergalactic empire]s' databases do provide some data on those species. There are records on multiple sightings across almost all of the recently aquired frontier systems. There is one quite peculiar incident were..."

Prot.: "Very interesting, but it's not the best time for a history lesson. Did you find some clues on how to fight them?"

BC: "This fast moving elongated alien seem to be able to paralyze it's prey, so you best steer clear of [those projectiles]."

Prot.: "You don't say..."

To be continued

KarylReyne commented 1 year ago

[BC Dialogue] 'Board computer beginning voiceline idea' slightly edited and expanded

BC: "Hey you! ...Finally, you're awake. Ok don't freak out now, the situation is under control, I've temporarily stabilized the ship. We hit something too small to be picked up by radar, and now we're stranded in an asteroid field in the middle of nowhere. I told you, hyperspeed in uncharted territory is a bad idea. Anyway, the ship's in pretty bad shape: the hull was seriously damaged by the impact, the fuel tank for the thrusters is leaking and to top it all off; the hyperdrive's busted. In this state we're not going anywhere. This is actually a real problem, 'cause you're no longer the most dense thing around here. Look, I'm now using my metaphorical hands to frantically point at the massive black hole that is slowly pulling the ship and us with it towards our certain doom."

Prot.: "Ugh, my head..."

BC: "Are you serious right now? Did you get anything of what I just said?"

Prot: "Just give me a moment to collect myself, ok? It's not like we're in any sort of immediate... Hold on, did you just say 'black hole'?!"

BC: "Indeed. C'mon, get up and have a look for yourself."

Prot. tries to stand up

Prot.: "What the...?"

BC: "Oh, yeah, the gravity control unit took a hit too. You have to manually restart it. The button's just over there, next to the engineering station."