MaxEtMoritz / PNavCopy

IITC Addon that copies Portal Names and Locations to Clipboard or sends them to Discord in the format needed by the PokeNav Discord Bot.
ISC License
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Try to integrate with Niantic Campfire #21

Open MaxEtMoritz opened 2 years ago

MaxEtMoritz commented 2 years ago

Now that Niantic Campfire is slowly being released to more and more players, it would be nice if it was possible to scrape Poi info from Campfire. I don't have access yet and have to prepare for exams, but when the time comes, it's definitely worth looking into if it's possible.

Hoping that the web version of Campfire remains and isn't just an unwanted relic that Niantic will remove...

MaxEtMoritz commented 2 years ago

The web version is still there, but you still can't log in. we are kind of out of luck there. all i can do is wait and see if it will be usable some time in the future...