MaxFour / Music-Player

Lightweight and Material designed Music Player
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Bug] Artist view not following alphabetical order; artists list jumbled #40

Open disrooter opened 5 years ago

disrooter commented 5 years ago

Actual behaviour

When scrolling through a relatively large music library (approx. 20,000 songs), the list of artists appears to be a little jumbled. The following screenshot demonstrates the issue: scr_artists_jumbled

Expected behaviour

When viewing the 'Artist' library category, artists should be listed in strict alphabetical order.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Clear all app data and reboot
  2. Allow Android media-scanner to index device's media directories
  3. Open app and navigate to 'Artist' view
  4. Scroll through list with confused look on face

Environment data

Android version: 8.1.0

Device model: Samsung Galaxy

Stock or customized system: Lineage 15.1

Music-Player app version: 1.2.0


Insert your Music-Player log here
MaxFour commented 5 years ago

Hello! I haven't this issue after reproducing. May be it's due to LineageOS 15.1... On LineageOS 14.1 no this issue.

disrooter commented 5 years ago

That's weird. Never mind, it's not a major problem - I can just use the search function.

I just updated to 1.2.1 and although the artists list still remains jumbled, I love the subtle changes to the UI. The new colour scheme and assets are great, as well as the use of Product Sans.

Keep up the good work!

MaxFour commented 5 years ago

@disrooter thank you for feedback about UI! :wink: Good luck!