Our focus on the LCL Company and the Bill of Lading as examples of an overall very complex process makes sense
Using Corda and the combination with Marco Polo is fine
What exactly does the LCL part of the CorDapps do? See the points in the MVP PDF, but we should be more specific about what exactly the flows or the "smart" part is here, i.e. what is not handled by the non-DLT backend but really handled via blockchain.
They would like to see examples/constraints for the specific smart contracts (but that probably comes through our flow diagrams for the business process anyway)
Why should LCL companies use our technology (what is their incentive)? Jesco's points about the 5-10% delay/cost increase fit this. That's an argument in the short and medium term. In the long term, the goal may still be for LCL companies to be replaced by DLT, how do we motivate that? Maybe it turns out that it is not possible to do it completely without a company, but the support/facilitation by DLT is increasing?
The whole concept becomes even more appealing when multiple LCL companies participate in the network. But that's more of a big picture motivation and perhaps less relevant to implementation.
Tasos mentioned a stakeholder and/or process diagram for visualization. Does that fit anywhere?
Results of the feedback meeting with Fortiss: