MaxHillebrand / LightningMultiSig

Non-Simulated Shared Ownership of scarce bitcoin with Multi Signatures in the Lightning Network
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Missing 0 in PS2H Signature script #3

Closed bodymindarts closed 5 years ago

bodymindarts commented 5 years ago

Just a little nitpick in the witness script for P2WSH you add the needed 0 at the beginning:

Witness Script 0 <signature 1> …​ <signature M> M <Public Key 1> …​ <Public Key M> N CHECKMULTISIG

But you left it out of the section on SignatureScript:

SignatureScript: <Signature 1> …​ <Signature M> <redeem script>

Not a big deal, just something I noticed while scrolling through.

MaxHillebrand commented 5 years ago

Aaaah, that 0... :D Thank you very much for noticing, it's fixed :)