MaxIsJoe / TWCRemake

The Wizards' Chronicles remake inside the Godot engine.
MIT License
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Failed to get cached path? #9

Closed MaxIsJoe closed 3 years ago

MaxIsJoe commented 5 years ago

image Connecting to the host gets this problem, not sure why

MaxIsJoe commented 5 years ago

More Info : Game freezes entirely when this error happens changing variables to master/puppet/slave etc didn't make any difference Happens on both the exported client and inside godot while testing

MaxIsJoe commented 3 years ago

This issue has been fixed since commit number 971942983dbe81dfe5ce90b09e45e15166cabe13

By making player scene data global the game no longer throws an error when trying to find it

MaxIsJoe commented 3 years ago

False hope, still happens but now with the main menu

My explanation for this could be because the scene change that the main server does that makes a reference to the main menu disappear image

MaxIsJoe commented 3 years ago

I have said this multiple times already on Discord, Twitter and maybe even on here.. But I'm terrible at working with multiplayer and don't understand what the hell is going on half the time I tried to test out my theory on "the menu is the issue" and instead it threw different error, the player also spawns on the menu but even though the CreatePlayerFunction should sync with the rest of the clients the player only gets created on the server once while all clients get stuck on the character creation page without the player scene getting created on their end

No matter how many tutorials or godot documentation i read I'll never understand how this truly works in Godot God.. Why can't there be a simple solution like BYOND's solution to multiplayer?

MaxIsJoe commented 3 years ago

Networking will probably be postponed again until this gets added.

For now I'll try my best to add multiplayer in

MaxIsJoe commented 3 years ago

ok so FINALLY after commit number 07444785353e8e724e18eadb52ccb4054bf9cfc3 the player can join the server without any errors

But what's the catch? the server can see the client's character but the client can't see the server's. This is another issue that will need to be addressed later but for now I can sleep at ease after seeing two characters in front of each other.. Now it's time to add proper movement handling for multiplayer and syncing data.