MaxMelcher / AzureDevOps.WikiPDFExport

Export Azure DevOps Wiki to PDF
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Base64 image gives error "path too long" #113

Closed weha closed 1 year ago

weha commented 1 year ago

I tried to convert our wiki but it contains I get an error when it tries to import (?) an image. The image it's talking about is 840x316px

  ERR: File Development\ specified in the order file was not found and will be skipped!
  WARN: File is empty and will be skipped!
  WARN: File Apps\ is empty and will be skipped!
ERR: Something bad happend.
System.IO.PathTooLongException: The path 'Apps\Get-Started/...................g==' is too long, or a component of the specified path is too long.
   at System.IO.PathHelper.GetFullPathName(ReadOnlySpan`1 path, ValueStringBuilder& builder)
   at System.IO.PathHelper.Normalize(String path)
   at System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(String path)
   at azuredevops_export_wiki.WikiPDFExporter.CorrectLinksAndImages(MarkdownObject document, FileInfo file, MarkdownFile mf)
   at azuredevops_export_wiki.WikiPDFExporter.ConvertMarkdownToHTML(List`1 files)
   at azuredevops_export_wiki.WikiPDFExporter.Export()
MaxMelcher commented 1 year ago

is that image rendering correctly in Azure DevOps? Is it base64 there too?

gcerik commented 1 year ago

just saw same issue - yes the image works fine in Azure Devops

gcerik commented 1 year ago

@MaxMelcher fixed - see

MaxMelcher commented 1 year ago
