MaxMelcher / AzureDevOps.WikiPDFExport

Export Azure DevOps Wiki to PDF
MIT License
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Impossible to specify a subfolder #35

Closed yfrindel closed 3 years ago

yfrindel commented 3 years ago

The tool azuredevops-export-wiki.exe allow to the user to export as a PDF all the repo or a part of the repo. I tried to export only a part of the repo with the following command line and it works : image

But with the azure devop extension, it's only possible to export the whole wiki. So, according to me, a new field is required with the path of the folder to export in the wiki (if empty that means all the wiki, and if a folder is specified only this folder).

Normally it's easy to implement because you have only to concatenate the folder name to the path (-o path/folder)

MaxMelcher commented 3 years ago

normally I would have sent you to the extension author - but he has sent you to me... :)

So, I briefly tested the extension with my test wiki and I can provide the same parameters and the export worked for a subfolder: image

"AzureDevOps.WikiPDFExport" is a subfolder of my wiki that I wanted to export and I can provide that in the second "Local Folder" field of the extension task. This is then converted to the -p flag of the converter.

Does that help?