MaxMelcher / AzureDevOps.WikiPDFExport

Export Azure DevOps Wiki to PDF
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System.TimeoutException: Timeout of 30000 ms exceeded #40

Closed thisjustin816 closed 3 years ago

thisjustin816 commented 3 years ago

Getting the following output when running the tool on a fairly large wiki:

ERR: Something bad happend.
System.TimeoutException: Timeout of 30000 ms exceeded
   at PuppeteerSharp.Helpers.TaskHelper.<>c__DisplayClass2_0.<WithTimeout>b__0()
   at PuppeteerSharp.Helpers.TaskHelper.WithTimeout(Task task, Func`1 timeoutAction, TimeSpan timeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at PuppeteerSharp.DOMWorld.SetContentAsync(String html, NavigationOptions options)
   at azuredevops_export_wiki.WikiPDFExporter.Export() in D:\Git\WikiPDFExport\AzureDevOps.WikiPDFExport\WikiPDFExporter.cs:line 132

Here's the full command. First encountered on v2.6.0 and still getting it after updating to v2.7.1. I'm running it in an Azure Pipelines build with this set of PS commands:

    $version = 'v2.7.1'
    $url = "$version/azuredevops-export-wiki.exe"

    $output = "azuredevops-export-wiki.exe"

    $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $output

    ./azuredevops-export-wiki.exe -d -b -m --disableTelemetry -o "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\wiki.pdf"
MaxMelcher commented 3 years ago

It tries to download the mermaid component and then runs into a timeout. No internet on the build server? proxy? Do you have mermaid graphs or why did you specify -m?

thisjustin816 commented 3 years ago

This is running on a hosted agent so the environment is fine. It worked perfectly up until a couple weeks ago. And yeah, there are mermaid graphs. Not sure why this was closed.

MaxMelcher commented 3 years ago

need to restructure my workflow - I closed this to see what is open, might need to add tags to this project.

Not sure how I can help you here because I cannot reproduce it. By the way, there is a build task now so you dont have to maintain the powershell script, just in case you want to simplify: