MaxOw / RuneSlayer

RPG languages learning tool
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GLX error when starting #4

Open turion opened 4 years ago

turion commented 4 years ago

I tried building on my other machine today, and unfortunately I got this error:

$ dist/build/RuneSlayer/RuneSlayer
RuneSlayer version 0.1.0 Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Maksymilian Owsianny
Timestamp : 2019-11-14 19:23:55 +0000
Revision  : f579f46f22cb0b646e903a444e0ed175824ce904
Exe hash  : add8c1b8c292290998c3d739362ba428b97dbfd6

3.2.1 X11 GLX EGL clock_gettime /dev/js Xf86vm
RuneSlayer: Window creation failed
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at src/Relude/Debug.hs:91:11 in relude-0.4.0-37Q1PylyLVNLu7s5THX52D:Relude.Debug
  error, called at src/Engine/Context.hs:48:17 in Carnot-
MaxOw commented 4 years ago

I'm assuming opengl version 4.5 so that could be the problem here. Google says that you should be able to check that with glxinfo | grep 'version'. I definitely should show a more helpful error message here if that's the case.