Maxence-L /

A Jekyll digital garden template, optimized for integration with Obsidian. It aims to enhance discoverability and help you build a personal knowledge base that can scale with time.
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Sidenotes architecture #8

Closed gbocsardi closed 3 years ago

gbocsardi commented 3 years ago

Hey! I'm currently trying to merge this template with another template, and I couldn't figure out how the sidenote function is operating. I saw some conditionals in the content.html in the _include forlder, but couldn't figure out the solution on my own, could you elaborate a bit on how they work? Thanks in advance!

Maxence-L commented 3 years ago

Hi ! Sidenotes are a very hacky relic of the parent (simply-jekyll). I use personally markdown notes ([^1] etc). Basically, the file content.htmlscans your content for [[links]] and assigns it a special css format in case it's a sidenote. This is the part that does it :

{%- assign content_array = content | split:'[[' -%}
    {%- assign external_link_delimiter = '::' -%}
    {%- assign internal_link_delimiter = '|' -%}
    {%- assign internal_header_delimiter = '#' -%}

    {%- assign link_joiner_delimiter = '$@' -%}

    {%- for item in content_array -%}

    {%- if forloop.index > 1 -%}
    {%- assign start = item | split:']]' -%}

    {% assign itempart = start[0] | split: "|" %}
    {% assign alt_link = itempart[1] %}

    {% assign itempart = itempart[0] | split: "#" %}
    {%- assign internal_link = itempart[0] -%}

    <!-- We need some hacky code to isolate header link -->
    {%- assign header_link_sub_i = start[0] | split: "|" -%}
    {%- assign header_link_sub_ii = header_link_sub_i[0] | split: "#" -%}
    {%- assign header_link = header_link_sub_ii[1] -%}

    {%- assign external_link = itempart[0] | split:external_link_delimiter -%}
    {%- assign sidenote = itempart[0] | split:sidenote_delimiter -%}

Here is the part that detects side notes :

{%- assign sideNoteCounter = 0 -%}
    {%- assign srsCounter = 0 -%}
    {%- for title in external_link_array -%}
    {%- assign url = external_url_array[forloop.index0] -%}


{%- elsif url == "lsn" or url == "rsn" or url == "lsn-transclude" or url == "rsn-transclude"  or url == "lmn" or url == "rmn" or url == "lmn-transclude" or url == "rmn-transclude" -%}
    {%- assign toggleLabel = "" -%}
    {%- assign sideNoteNum = "" -%}
    {%- if url contains "lsn" -%}
    {%- assign noteType = "sn-left" -%}
    {%- assign sideNoteNum = "sidenote-number" -%}
    {%- elsif url contains "rsn" -%}
    {%- assign noteType = "sn-right" -%}
    {%- assign sideNoteNum = "sidenote-number" -%}
    {%- elsif url contains "lmn" -%}
    {%- assign noteType = "mn-left" -%}
    {%- assign toggleLabel = "&#8853;" -%}
    {%- elsif url contains "rmn" -%}
    {%- assign noteType = "mn-right" -%}
    {%- assign toggleLabel = "&#8853;" -%}
    {%- endif -%}

This is the part that formats the sidenote :

    {%- assign sideNoteCounter = sideNoteCounter | plus:1 -%}
    {%- elsif url == "srs" -%}
    {%- assign link_text = '<label for="' | append: url | append: '-' | append: srsCounter | append: '" class="srs-toggle "><svg class="srs-svg" x="0px" y="0px" height="20" width="18" viewBox="0 0 100 125" enable-background="new 0 0 100 100" xml:space="preserve"><path fill="none" d="M41.648,12.407c-0.186-0.286-0.5-0.457-0.841-0.457c-0.191,0-0.379,0.056-0.542,0.162l-5.235,3.396l8.239-0.602  L41.648,12.407z"/><path fill="none" d="M28.45,19.776L8.471,32.737c-0.462,0.3-0.594,0.921-0.294,1.384l23.832,36.736l-3.638-49.85  C28.34,20.584,28.379,20.176,28.45,19.776z"/><path d="M40.055,81.425l0.127-0.082l-1.181,0.086C39.319,81.615,39.731,81.635,40.055,81.425z"/><path d="M94.964,32.733c-0.616-1.185-1.656-2.06-2.93-2.462l-15.315-4.845l-0.576-7.905c-0.2-2.721-2.604-4.834-5.352-4.623  l-22.969,1.676l-2.818-4.344c-0.925-1.428-2.495-2.28-4.197-2.28c-0.966,0-1.907,0.279-2.719,0.806L6.294,29.381  c-2.313,1.5-2.974,4.603-1.473,6.916l30.496,47.008c0.926,1.428,2.495,2.28,4.198,2.28c0.965,0,1.905-0.278,2.717-0.806l1.04-0.675  l28.847,9.123c0.491,0.155,0.999,0.233,1.511,0.233c2.191,0,4.105-1.404,4.764-3.491l16.902-53.424  C95.697,35.273,95.58,33.919,94.964,32.733z M40.266,12.112c0.163-0.106,0.35-0.162,0.542-0.162c0.341,0,0.656,0.17,0.841,0.457  l1.622,2.5l-8.239,0.602L40.266,12.112z M8.177,34.121c-0.3-0.463-0.168-1.083,0.294-1.384l19.979-12.96  c-0.071,0.399-0.11,0.808-0.08,1.23l3.638,49.85L8.177,34.121z M35.678,66.191L32.36,20.716c-0.04-0.55,0.375-1.031,0.924-1.071  l12.471-0.909l4.552-0.332l20.852-1.52c0.519,0,0.955,0.408,0.993,0.928l0.461,6.315L55.9,18.841  c-0.49-0.155-0.997-0.234-1.508-0.234c-1.206,0-2.32,0.437-3.195,1.169c-0.715,0.597-1.274,1.385-1.571,2.324l-0.554,1.75  L35.678,66.191z M91.48,35.34l-11.408,36.06l-2.057,6.5l-3.438,10.867c-0.194,0.614-0.798,0.794-1.253,0.647l-25.706-8.13  l-1.247-0.394l-3.694-1.169l-5.488-1.735c-0.343-0.108-0.514-0.355-0.586-0.493c-0.061-0.116-0.137-0.342-0.093-0.617  c0.007-0.047,0.011-0.093,0.026-0.143l15.354-48.536l1.547-4.891c0.005-0.016,0.016-0.026,0.021-0.041  c0.166-0.451,0.579-0.659,0.932-0.659c0.101,0,0.202,0.016,0.301,0.047l18.233,5.768l4.105,1.299l13.795,4.364  c0.345,0.109,0.516,0.356,0.588,0.494C91.486,34.715,91.59,34.997,91.48,35.34z"/><path d="M40.055,81.425c-0.323,0.21-0.735,0.19-1.054,0.004l1.181-0.086L40.055,81.425z"/></svg></label><input type="checkbox" id="' | append: url | append: '-' | append: srsCounter | append: '" class="srs-toggle"/><span class="spaced-rep"><span style="font-size: 14px; color: #555;"><u><strong>Carte mémoire !</strong></u></span><br/>' | append: title | append: '</span>' -%}
    {%- assign srsCounter = srsCounter | plus:1 -%}
    {%- elsif url == "todo" -%}
    {%- assign todo_list = title | split:';' -%}
    {%- assign link_text = "<h4>::TODO::</h4><ul style='padding-left: 20px; margin-top: -20px; list-style-type:decimal;'>" -%}
    {%- for list_items in todo_list -%}
    {%- assign link_text = link_text | append: '<li>' | append: list_items | append: '</li>' -%}
    {%- endfor -%}
    {%- assign link_text = link_text | append: '</ul>' -%}
    {%- else -%}
    {%- assign link_text = '<a href="' | append: url | append: '">' | append: title | append: '</a>' -%}
    {%- endif -%}
    {%- assign bracket_link = '[[' | append: title | append: external_link_delimiter | append: url | append: ']]' -%}
    {%- assign replaced_content = replaced_content | replace: bracket_link,link_text -%}
    {%- endfor -%}

I hope that helps you. You can check liquid tags and the liquid repl to experiment. Do not hesitate to ask if you're lost.