MaxiHuHe04 / iTunes-Backup-Explorer

A graphical tool that can extract and replace files from encrypted and non-encrypted iOS backups
MIT License
457 stars 37 forks source link

Add specific error message for folders with unpermitted name or add a workaround to copy files in it #38

Open v4ssi404 opened 7 months ago

v4ssi404 commented 7 months ago

In contrast to iOS, Windows has some limitations on how files and folders can be named. You can read more about it here: Basically, folders are not allowed to be called AUX, or AUx in your case. I can't do much about this. An option would be to export it to a folder with a slightly changed name, but I should definitely add a better error message. I won't have time to do this very soon as I'm busy with studying. But it would be very nice if you could open a new issue for this that I don't forget about it.