MaximeHerpin / modular_tree

GNU General Public License v3.0
1.23k stars 218 forks source link

Program 1 #409

Closed anushripawar closed 9 months ago

anushripawar commented 9 months ago

Import Required Library

from tkinter import * import random

Create Object

root = Tk()

Set geometry


Set title

root.title("Rock Paper Scissor Game")

Computer Value

computer_value = { "0": "Rock", "1": "Paper", "2": "Scissor" }

Reset The Game

def reset_game(): b1["state"] = "active" b2["state"] = "active" b3["state"] = "active" l1.config(text="Player ") l3.config(text="Computer") l4.config(text="")

Disable the Button

def button_disable(): b1["state"] = "disable" b2["state"] = "disable" b3["state"] = "disable"

If player selected rock

def isrock(): c_v = computer_value[str(random.randint(0, 2))] if c_v == "Rock": match_result = "Match Draw" elif c_v == "Scissor": match_result = "Player Win" else: match_result = "Computer Win" l4.config(text=match_result) l1.config(text="Rock ") l3.config(text=c_v) button_disable()

If player selected paper

def ispaper(): c_v = computer_value[str(random.randint(0, 2))] if c_v == "Paper": match_result = "Match Draw" elif c_v == "Scissor": match_result = "Computer Win" else: match_result = "Player Win" l4.config(text=match_result) l1.config(text="Paper ") l3.config(text=c_v) button_disable()

If player selected scissor

def isscissor(): c_v = computer_value[str(random.randint(0, 2))] if c_v == "Rock": match_result = "Computer Win" elif c_v == "Scissor": match_result = "Match Draw" else: match_result = "Player Win" l4.config(text=match_result) l1.config(text="Scissor ") l3.config(text=c_v) button_disable()

Add Labels, Frames and Button

Label(root, text="Rock Paper Scissor", font="normal 20 bold", fg="blue").pack(pady=20)

frame = Frame(root) frame.pack()

l1 = Label(frame, text=" PLAYER ", font=10)

l2 = Label(frame, text="VS ", font="normal 10 bold")

l3 = Label(frame, text="COMPUTER", font=10)

l1.pack(side=LEFT) l2.pack(side=LEFT) l3.pack()

l4 = Label(root, text="", font="normal 20 bold", bg="Light blue", width=17, borderwidth=4, relief="solid") l4.pack(pady=20)

frame1 = Frame(root) frame1.pack()

b1 = Button(frame1, text="Rock", font=12, width=9, command=isrock)

b2 = Button(frame1, text="Paper ", font=12, width=9, command=ispaper)

b3 = Button(frame1, text="Scissor", font=12, width=9, command=isscissor)

b1.pack(side=LEFT, padx=10) b2.pack(side=LEFT, padx=10) b3.pack(padx=10)

Button(root, text="Reset Game", font=10, fg="Black", bg="Light green", command=reset_game).pack(pady=20)

Execute Tkinter
