Maximus5 / ConEmu

Customizable Windows terminal with tabs, splits, quake-style, hotkeys and more
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Conemu IRC channel #1358

Open brupelo opened 6 years ago

brupelo commented 6 years ago

Isn't there available any IRC conemu channel anywhere?

Today I've tried on #conemu at freenode but it seems that one is related to some IT company (ie:

Asking this cos I was trying to figure out a very simple thing to achieve with conemu, ie: how to spin up a vagrant box so i could implement a ST plugin to launch vagrant boxes, tried this conemu /single /cmd /k "pushd d:\path\to\my\vagrant\box && vagrant up && popd" but didn't work, any idea?

This type of user questions are trivial and opening a ticket for it is not cool (it creates unnecesary noise) and asking on superuser stackexchange is slow to receive , so... yeah, an IRC channel would be quite ideal.

If there isn't any, name proposals are welcome.

Thx in advance.

Maximus5 commented 6 years ago

Yep, is not related to ConEmu-Maximus5 )

There is no IRC, who would moderate or answer you there?..

There are a lot of existing channels:

You cmd line is not good, but this is expected to be working

conemu /single /run cmd /k pushd d:\path\to\my\vagrant\box && vagrant up && popd
brupelo commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I understand, no idea about moderation in any case I just thought it'd be great to have one IRC channel for this software, IMHO this software it's good&useful enough for casual-users/devs to talk discuss things about it on IRC. For instance, you can see there are channels for other type of software like hexchat/ST/... so... why not conemu as well? Even if it's not moderated, anyway... was just an idea.

About my particular question, I had already tried the command you propose without double quotes as suggested but please take a look to what happens, the box is not spinning up and i don't understand the reason. Any clue why?

Maximus5 commented 6 years ago

Are you ready to create the channel? PR with server/channel info is appreciated.

Because you run your command from existing cmd. AND your tail after && is executed in the FIRST tab. You should escape them: ^&^&.

brupelo commented 6 years ago

It seems ##conemu is free, suggestion for welcome message: Welcome to ##conemu, the unofficial help and discussion channel | Homepage: | Github:

Btw, conemu /single /run cmd /k pushd d:\virtual_machines\foo ^&^& vagrant up ^&^& popd did the trick.

Announcement commented 6 years ago

just checking in i'll be idling on freenode##conemu as Success ; the channel is registered as ours btw =D

Maximus5 commented 6 years ago

Don't you think that just one more # in the name is not enough to depict the difference with

Announcement commented 6 years ago

@Maximus5 meh, the other channel is pretty dead anyways, besides the naming scheme of freenode suggests that the name should be a double-hashtag anyways; that being said i already had that thought and opened ##console-emulator (an expansion of the implied name of conemu)

Maximus5 commented 6 years ago

I don't believe people will use IRC for discussion, but two names are suggested: #conemuterminal or #conemulator.

One hash sign # means direct affiliation with software.

AbhishekTripathi commented 4 years ago

I don't believe people will use IRC for discussion, but two names are suggested: #conemuterminal or #conemulator.

One hash sign # means direct affiliation with software.

I would like to have a channel defined and used. Quite a lot of developers use irc. If we can agree on a freenode server, it would be good to have a community around.

Maximus5 commented 4 years ago

You are second one, who talks about IRC. I don't believe it is really necessary.

So, do you really think that someone goes to IRC (even if they manager to found channel name) instead of Google?

AbhishekTripathi commented 4 years ago

Well, I value your opinion and I can see your experience was not that great with irc. I frequent to IRC and I idle in several channels. There are many like me who share their knowledge in various freenode channels related to csharp, git among others. Having said that, some other tools which I use have their own community group built around platforms like gitter and slack. The responsibility to answer doesn't always lie with the main author of the product. It is more like a community trying to discuss and help others.

I totally agree that in all likelihood someone looking for answer would head for google. However, communities are not meant to replace google. You may very well close this issue if there is no such plan.

pachuco commented 3 years ago

The advantage of an instant chat medium compared to github issues is that chat is more informal/inviting than github issues and users can help eachother before reaching the issue form(if it's a known issue). Also to gather clout/community around the software. With that being said, IRC these days has had its lunch eaten by Discord. So that would be better for amassing people to be community and help eachother and whatnot.

Maximus5 commented 3 years ago

The problem with IRC is that nobody is there. So nobody will answer you... Moreover, the channel disappears sure to inactivity.

Don't know, maybe discord is an option

Maximus5 commented 2 years ago

Let's try Telegram group chat

pachuco commented 2 years ago

One inconvenience with Telegram is requiring mobile phone for signup process.