Maximus5 / ConEmu

Customizable Windows terminal with tabs, splits, quake-style, hotkeys and more
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New terminal tasks list in wrong order and showing command content #2358

Closed scott-ln closed 3 years ago

scott-ln commented 3 years ago


ConEmu build: 210304 preview x64 OS version: Windows 10 x64 Used shell version: cmd, bash

Problem description

The task list presented in the new terminal dialog is not shown in the order I set it to, plus one item appears to show the content of the task instead of its name.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install ConEmu (in this case via the latest version of Cmder)
  2. Open preferences dialog and navigate to tasks pane
  3. Use up and down buttons to change order of predefined tasks
  4. Open new terminal dialog and look at list of tasks

Actual results

cmder bug

The first task should be further down the list and the second task is showing its command instead of its name.

Expected results

cmder unbug

(Note: simulated screenshot)

Additional files

Tasks section of ConEnu.xml:

<key name="Tasks" modified="2018-02-22 06:02:12" build="171109">
    <value name="Count" type="long" data="9"/>
    <key name="Task1" modified="2021-08-23 11:57:11" build="210304">
        <value name="Name" type="string" data="{bash::bash}"/>
        <value name="GuiArgs" type="string" data=' /icon "%CMDER_ROOT%\icons\cmder.ico"'/>
        <value name="Cmd1" type="string" data='"%ConEmuDir%\..\git-for-windows\usr\bin\bash.exe" --login -i'/>
        <value name="Active" type="long" data="0"/>
        <value name="Count" type="long" data="1"/>
        <value name="Hotkey" type="dword" data="00000000"/>
        <value name="Flags" type="dword" data="00000000"/>
    <key name="Task2" modified="2021-08-23 11:57:11" build="210304">
        <value name="Name" type="string" data="{bash::bash as Admin}"/>
        <value name="GuiArgs" type="string" data=' /icon "%CMDER_ROOT%\icons\cmder.ico"'/>
        <value name="Cmd1" type="string" data='*"%ConEmuDir%\..\git-for-windows\usr\bin\bash.exe" --login -i'/>
        <value name="Active" type="long" data="0"/>
        <value name="Count" type="long" data="1"/>
        <value name="Hotkey" type="dword" data="00000000"/>
        <value name="Flags" type="dword" data="00000000"/>
    <key name="Task3" modified="2021-08-23 11:57:11" build="210304">
        <value name="Name" type="string" data="{cmd::Cmder}"/>
        <value name="Hotkey" type="dword" data="00000000"/>
        <value name="GuiArgs" type="string" data=' /icon "%CMDER_ROOT%\icons\cmder.ico"'/>
        <value name="Cmd1" type="string" data='cmd /k ""%ConEmuDir%\..\init.bat" "'/>
        <value name="Active" type="long" data="0"/>
        <value name="Count" type="long" data="1"/>
        <value name="Flags" type="dword" data="00000000"/>
    <key name="Task4" modified="2021-08-23 11:57:11" build="210304">
        <value name="Name" type="string" data="{cmd::Cmder as Admin}"/>
        <value name="Hotkey" type="dword" data="00000000"/>
        <value name="GuiArgs" type="string" data=' /icon "%CMDER_ROOT%\icons\cmder.ico"'/>
        <value name="Cmd1" type="string" data='*cmd /k ""%ConEmuDir%\..\init.bat" "'/>
        <value name="Cmd2" type="string" data='"%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\git-for-windows\git-bash.exe"'/>
        <value name="Active" type="long" data="0"/>
        <value name="Count" type="long" data="1"/>
        <value name="Flags" type="dword" data="00000000"/>
    <key name="Task5" modified="2021-08-23 11:57:11" build="210304">
        <value name="Name" type="string" data="{PowerShell::PowerShell}"/>
        <value name="Flags" type="dword" data="00000000"/>
        <value name="Hotkey" type="dword" data="00000000"/>
        <value name="GuiArgs" type="string" data=' /icon "%CMDER_ROOT%\icons\cmder.ico"'/>
        <value name="Cmd1" type="string" data='PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoLogo -NoProfile -NoExit -Command "Invoke-Expression &apos;Import-Module &apos;&apos;%ConEmuDir%\..\profile.ps1&apos;&apos;&apos;"'/>
        <value name="Active" type="long" data="0"/>
        <value name="Count" type="long" data="1"/>
    <key name="Task6" modified="2021-08-23 11:57:11" build="210304">
        <value name="Name" type="string" data="{PowerShell::PowerShell as Admin}"/>
        <value name="Flags" type="dword" data="00000000"/>
        <value name="Hotkey" type="dword" data="00000000"/>
        <value name="GuiArgs" type="string" data=' /icon "%CMDER_ROOT%\icons\cmder.ico"'/>
        <value name="Cmd1" type="string" data='*PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoLogo -NoProfile -NoExit -Command "Invoke-Expression &apos;Import-Module &apos;&apos;%ConEmuDir%\..\profile.ps1&apos;&apos;&apos;"'/>
        <value name="Active" type="long" data="0"/>
        <value name="Count" type="long" data="1"/>
        <value name="Cmd2" type="string" data='"%CMDER_ROOT%vendor\git-for-windows\usr\bin\mintty.exe" /bin/bash -l'/>
    <key name="Task7" modified="2021-08-23 11:57:11" build="210304">
        <value name="Name" type="string" data="{bash::mintty}"/>
        <value name="Flags" type="dword" data="00000000"/>
        <value name="Hotkey" type="dword" data="00000000"/>
        <value name="GuiArgs" type="string" data='/icon "%ConEmuDir%\..\git-for-windows\usr\share\git\git-for-windows.ico"'/>
        <value name="Active" type="long" data="0"/>
        <value name="Count" type="long" data="1"/>
        <value name="Cmd1" type="string" data='"%ConEmuDir%\..\git-for-windows\usr\bin\mintty.exe" /bin/bash -l'/>
    <key name="Task8" modified="2021-08-23 11:57:11" build="210304">
        <value name="Name" type="string" data="{bash::mintty as Admin}"/>
        <value name="Flags" type="dword" data="00000000"/>
        <value name="Hotkey" type="dword" data="00000000"/>
        <value name="GuiArgs" type="string" data='/icon "%ConEmuDir%\..\git-for-windows\usr\share\git\git-for-windows.ico"'/>
        <value name="Cmd1" type="string" data='*"%ConEmuDir%\..\git-for-windows\usr\bin\mintty.exe" /bin/bash -l'/>
        <value name="Active" type="long" data="0"/>
        <value name="Count" type="long" data="1"/>
    <key name="Task9" modified="2018-03-23 23:26:53" build="180318">
        <value name="Name" type="string" data="{WSL::bash}"/>
        <value name="Flags" type="dword" data="00000000"/>
        <value name="Hotkey" type="dword" data="00000000"/>
        <value name="GuiArgs" type="string" data='-icon "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\lxss\bash.ico"'/>
        <value name="Cmd1" type="string" data='set "PATH=%ConEmuBaseDirShort%\wsl;%PATH%" &amp; %ConEmuBaseDirShort%\conemu-cyg-64.exe --wsl -cur_console:pm:/mnt'/>
        <value name="Active" type="long" data="0"/>
        <value name="Count" type="long" data="1"/>

I've also just tried deleting ConEmu.xml and the problem is also present with the file automatically created by Cmder. However I'm unable to determine which side is the origin.

Maximus5 commented 3 years ago

Two points here

  1. The new console dialog shows tasks in historical order. The commands executed recently go first. Moreover, as you can see there are not only tasks but also raw commands.
  2. Cmder does not install for you latest ConEmu. It's just a bundle and it has quite large lags with updates.

If you want to see ordered tasks, use the tasks menu. You may even set up a hotkey to popup it.

scott-ln commented 3 years ago

Great, thank you for clarifying.