OS version: Win8.1 Enterprise x64
ConEmu version: 140707 preview
Far Manager version: 3.0 (build 4008) x64
Exception 0xC0000005 (Read x0000000000118C40) was occurred (ConEmuC64.exe, PID=2432)
ConEmu build 140707 64
ConEmu crashed and showed this error message
Memory dump was saved to
Please Zip it and send to developer (via DropBox etc.)
Dump file available at https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4Dqv0y7bsH8dUlkU1ctekI5cDQ/edit?usp=sharing
*Steps to reproduction*
1. Far manager and ConEmu (both portable) in c:\far
2. Install UpdateEx plugin (http://plugring.farmanager.com/plugin.php?pid=905&l=en)
to Far Manager
3. Update Far Manager with UpdateEx plugin.
I think it's plugin issue but maybe this information will help to prevent such problems.
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 1648
Reported by
on 2014-07-19 19:11:37