OS version: WinXP/Win7 x86/x64
ConEmu version: 141004
Far version (if you are using Far Manager):
*Bug description*
If move cursor up or down extra character will remain highlighted, if move to the left,
highlighting disappears as expected. This behavior occurs when using 256 colos scheme
(Distinuished, Zenbur etc). gVim and other schemes works fine.
I'v tested it on WinXP x86, Win7 x64, Vim v7.4/v7.3 and last stable and alpha versions
of Far and ConEmu.
*Steps to reproduction*
0. Set the settings to support xterm256 (https://code.google.com/p/conemu-maximus5/wiki/Xterm256Colors).
Set 256 color hightlight scheme.
1. Open any source file ad move cursor to any close bracket
1. Open blank file
2. Add "1234567890" string
3. Move cursor to position 9
4. Run command :match TODO /\(\%1l\%1c\)\|\(\%1l\%9c\)/
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 1750
Reported by
on 2014-10-10 10:40:42