Maximus5 / conemu-old-issues

Old issues imported from googlecode. Project was moved to
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Clicking in ConEmu with Node open on Window causes a lot of '^[D #1962

Closed Maximus5 closed 4 years ago

Maximus5 commented 9 years ago

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 1965

Required information!
OS version: Win2k/WinXP/Vista/Win7/Win8   SP?   x86/x64
ConEmu version: ?
Far version (if you are using Far Manager): ?

*Bug description*

*Steps to reproduction*

Reported by Pysis868 on 2015-04-14 13:58:38

Maximus5 commented 9 years ago
Sorry, accidentally hit the 'Enter' key far before when the post was complete.

Title: Clicking in ConEmu with Node open on Window causes a lot of '[D' characters
to be inputted.

OS version: Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit (x64)
ConEmu Version: 140707 (It does not seem to have been updated.  This was the value
in the 'Settings' window.)
I have also attached the directory listing in the file 'ConEmu_Installation_Directory_Tree_Output
- UTF-8.txt'.
Node version: '
C:\...>node -v
I have also attached the directory listing in the file 'NodeJS_Installation_Directory_Tree_Output
- UTF-8.txt'.

*Bug description*
When working in the Node REPL, inside a Windows CMD process, which is inside of ConEmu
as one of the tabs I have open, I will randomly click into the area of the interpreter
to re-gain focus of that window, and it will input several/many "[D" text characters
on the current input line, without submitting them for processing.  Of course I then
hit "Ctrl+C" to cancel the current input and get a new one, then continue working on
whatever I was doing in Node.  This is fairly annoying and I'm not sure what is causing
it, especially when I already have text inputted on the current input line that then
gets filled with the characters, forcing me to cancel the entire line and start again.

The characters were not in my copy buffer/clipboard, and manually pasting prints simple
and different characters just fine.

*Steps to reproduction* (reproduce?)
1. Install ConEmu "ConEmuSetup.140707.exe" (I believe 'KeyEvents' was installed, along
with other options enabled or disabled)
2. Load configuration as I have attached ('ConEmu - Reduced.xml')
3. Open ConEmu
4. Open 'etc.' task with this command: '/dir "C:\Users\<username>\My Documents\Scripts"
cmd.exe /U "-new_console:t:etc."'
5. Enter NodeJS by typing 'node'(.exe) that I have installed in "C\bin\nodejs\" that
I have in my %PATH% variable as such.
6. Try clicking anywhere in the window, several times.  Keep focus in the window and
do this, and also try de-focusing and re-gaining focus while doing this.
Verify: No problems.
7. Enter a JavaScript command, such as simply entering the String literal "hi".
Verify: This should be successful, showing the literal again as a result, and in color
(green in my case).  The next input prompt should be available.
8. Try clicking again as before.
Problem: Each case should activate the error.
The exact results from clicking my vary.  The first couple of times in certain cases
will output about or just under 500 characters, and then exponentially increase by
a factor of 2.  The characters could also simply continue to be inputted indefinitely
or up to thousands of characters before stopping.  I usually interrupt it by hitting
"Ctrl+C", or de-focusing does seem to stop it almost immediately.

To add, I do really like the program, as it fits my needs quite well, and greatly appreciate
the effort that has gone into maintaining the project this well :).

Reported by Pysis868 on 2015-04-14 14:53:31

Maximus5 commented 9 years ago
Ah, also forgot to mention.  I can open "cmd.exe" outside of ConEmu in its own window,
enter node, go through the reproduction steps, and I am unable to reproduce the error
in that environment.

Reported by Pysis868 on 2015-04-14 14:57:22

Maximus5 commented 9 years ago
* More notes *

Also forgot to note initially on the exact nature of these characters.  Trying to submit
a line with just these characters on it will give a prompt like this '...', waiting
for certain grouping characters to complete the input.  In this case, it is waiting
for the user to complete each '[' character with the corresponding ']' character. 
'D' will be treated as a token by itself, such as trying to resolve a variable named
as such.
To better investigate the origin of these characters, this may show that these are
not control characters being inputted, like the corresponding 'End of Input' '^D' character

I had installed NodeJS with this executable: 'node-v0.10.22-x64.msi'.

* Updates *

I just updated NodeJS with this executable: 'node-v0.12.2-x64.msi'.  New version: '
C:\...>node -v

Updating NodeJS has the error cause a lot less detrimental effects!  It happens on
most or all clicks; not sure if that is different.  When it does occur, it now only
inputs a single '[D' character(s) at a time on the input line.

For ConEmu updates, I have 'Check on Startup' checked, and 'Stable' selected.  I don't
boot-up the program that often as I mostly put my machine to sleep, but I have restarted
often enough and noticed this has not updated.  I have also checked this URL ''
and saw the stable version is actually quite low '120727c'.  Maybe I downloaded a development
version by accident and I should downgrade to the latest Stable version.  Let me know
if I should do that, or upgrade to another development version to test this issue further.

* Closing *
Let me know if you want to close this issue and if I should open this in the GitHub
Issue Tracker.

Reported by Pysis868 on 2015-04-14 15:32:06