Maximvdw / MVdWPlaceholderAPI

MVdW Placeholder API
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Item ID of main hand doesn't show full ID, only meta #11

Open TsCode1 opened 5 years ago

TsCode1 commented 5 years ago

{iteminhand:typeid} {iteminmainhand:typeid} are both the same and they both show only the base ID unlike /itemdb command in essentials which shows base:data

For example when I have a jungle plank in my hand, but instead of just "5" I want there to be an option to make it "5:3" or for grass "2" -> "2:0"

Please add this it is very important for my creative server and will help a lot! All help will be greatly appreciated.

TsCode1 commented 5 years ago

issue solved {iteminmainhand:typeid}:{placeholderapi_player_item_in_hand_data}