MaxwellSalmon / DUGA

The GitHub for the DUGA raycaster
Mozilla Public License 2.0
132 stars 23 forks source link

spins to the right on start and no its not my keyboard #20

Open develperbayman opened 2 months ago

develperbayman commented 2 months ago

title says it also if i can get it to run im interested in implementing multiplayer looking for it but i dont see it

MaxwellSalmon commented 2 months ago

Hello! Thanks for for interest in DUGA.

Can you capture a video of your issue? I am unsure, what you mean by spinning to the right.

Also, please elaborate on the last sentence - what are you looking for, exactly?

best, MaxwellSalmon

develperbayman commented 2 months ago

sorry just seeing this yes i will capture but i have to run out the door rn but when i get back .....yeah when i start the game as soon as it shows its like im holding down the right arrow key and the player spins to the right non stop on debian bookworm ....and my keyboard is ok

develperbayman commented 2 months ago

im building a very unique python based linux operating system pylinux and im looking for a few games to include its all open source and free im looking for a 100% python multiplayer call of duty replacement ....i guess im also asking permission? (im not sure about the rules tbh) it will also link back to this repo with full credits ......its not so much about being a AAA game so much as a game the community can hack on and play and have fun with

develperbayman commented 2 months ago i had to do it in a zip it wont let me just do a video

develperbayman commented 2 months ago

i tried to change this

madd = self.mouse.get_rel()[0] * self.sensitivity
if madd > 38:
    madd = 38
elif madd < -38:
    madd = -38
self.angle -= madd
SETTINGS.player_angle = self.angle

but that didnt work it also went crazy but iv managed to get it down to a crawl of a spin im kinda stumped

import EFFECTS
import SOUND
import pygame
import math
import os

class Player:

    def __init__(self, pos):
        self.max_speed = SETTINGS.player_speed
        self.speed = 0
        self.angle = SETTINGS.player_angle = SETTINGS.player_health

        self.real_x = pos[0]
        self.real_y = pos[1]

        self.color = SETTINGS.BLUE
        self.sprite = pygame.Surface([SETTINGS.tile_size / 12, SETTINGS.tile_size / 12])
        self.rect = self.sprite.get_rect()
        self.rect.x = self.real_x
        self.rect.y = self.real_y
        SETTINGS.player_rect = self.rect
        self.last_pos_tile = None

        self.mouse = pygame.mouse
        self.sensitivity = SETTINGS.sensitivity
        self.gun = 0
        self.gunsprites_aim = []
        self.gunsprites_shoot = []

        SETTINGS.player = self
        self.collide_list = SETTINGS.all_solid_tiles + SETTINGS.npc_list
        self.update_collide_list = False
        self.solid = True
        self.dead = False
        self.last_call = 0
        self.type = 'player'
        self.hurt_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(os.path.join('sounds', 'other', 'damage.ogg'))
        self.change_level = pygame.mixer.Sound(os.path.join('sounds', 'other', 'next_level.ogg'))

        self.current_level = SETTINGS.current_level

        # input variables
        self.mouse2 = 0
        self.inventory = 0
        self.esc_pressed = False
        self.dont_open_menu = False

    def direction(self, offset, distance):
        if distance == 0:
            direction = [math.cos(math.radians(self.angle + offset)), -math.sin(math.radians(self.angle + offset))]
            direction = [(math.cos(math.radians(self.angle + offset))) * distance, (-math.sin(math.radians(self.angle + offset))) * distance]
        return direction

    def control(self, canvas):
        # Make sure the collide list is complete
        if len(self.collide_list) != len(SETTINGS.all_solid_tiles + SETTINGS.npc_list):
            self.collide_list = SETTINGS.all_solid_tiles + SETTINGS.npc_list
        elif self.current_level != SETTINGS.current_level:
            self.collide_list = SETTINGS.all_solid_tiles + SETTINGS.npc_list
            self.current_level = SETTINGS.current_level
        elif self.update_collide_list:
            self.collide_list = SETTINGS.all_solid_tiles + SETTINGS.npc_list
            self.update_collide_list = False

        # Update health
        if != SETTINGS.player_health and SETTINGS.player_states['heal']:
   = SETTINGS.player_health

        key = pygame.key.get_pressed()

        # Movement controls (WASD)
        if not SETTINGS.player_states['dead']:
            # Inventory open
            if not SETTINGS.player_states['invopen']:

                if SETTINGS.aiming:
                    self.sensitivity = SETTINGS.sensitivity / 3
                    self.max_speed = SETTINGS.player_speed / 3
                    self.sensitivity = SETTINGS.sensitivity
                    self.max_speed = SETTINGS.player_speed

                if key[pygame.K_a] or key[pygame.K_d] or key[pygame.K_w] or key[pygame.K_s]:
                    if self.speed < self.max_speed:
                        self.speed += 50
                        if self.speed > self.max_speed:
                            self.speed = self.max_speed

                    if self.speed > 0:
                        if self.last_call == 0:
                            self.move(self.direction(90, self.speed * 0.8))
                        elif self.last_call == 1:
                            self.move(self.direction(-90, self.speed * 0.8))
                        elif self.last_call == 2:
                            self.move(self.direction(0, self.speed))
                        elif self.last_call == 3:
                            self.move(self.direction(0, -self.speed * 0.5))

                        self.speed -= 80

                        if self.speed < 0:
                            self.speed = 0

                if key[pygame.K_a]:
                    self.move(self.direction(90, self.speed * 0.8))
                    self.last_call = 0
                if key[pygame.K_d]:
                    self.move(self.direction(-90, self.speed * 0.8))
                    self.last_call = 1
                if key[pygame.K_w]:
                    self.move(self.direction(0, self.speed))
                    self.last_call = 2
                if key[pygame.K_s]:
                    self.move(self.direction(0, -self.speed * 0.5))
                    self.last_call = 3

                SETTINGS.player_states['cspeed'] = self.speed

        # Shoot gun (Mouse input)
        if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[2] and self.mouse2 < 1:
            SETTINGS.mouse2_btn_active = True
            self.mouse2 += 1
        elif self.mouse2 >= 1:
            SETTINGS.mouse2_btn_active = False
        if not pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[2]:
            self.mouse2 = 0

        if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0] and not SETTINGS.player_states['dead']:
            SETTINGS.mouse_btn_active = True
            SETTINGS.mouse_btn_active = False

        if key[pygame.K_r]:
            SETTINGS.reload_key_active = True
            SETTINGS.reload_key_active = False

        # Change gun
        if key[pygame.K_1] and SETTINGS.inventory['primary']:
            SETTINGS.next_gun = SETTINGS.inventory['primary']
        elif key[pygame.K_2] and SETTINGS.inventory['secondary']:
            SETTINGS.next_gun = SETTINGS.inventory['secondary']
        elif key[pygame.K_3] and SETTINGS.inventory['melee']:
            SETTINGS.next_gun = SETTINGS.inventory['melee']

        # Keep angle in place
        if self.angle >= 360:
            self.angle -= 360
        elif self.angle < 0:
            self.angle += 360

        # Interact
        if key[pygame.K_e]:
            if SETTINGS.middle_slice:
                if SETTINGS.middle_slice_len <= SETTINGS.tile_size * 1.5 and (SETTINGS.middle_slice.type == 'vdoor' or SETTINGS.middle_slice.type == 'hdoor'):
                elif SETTINGS.middle_slice_len <= SETTINGS.tile_size and SETTINGS.middle_slice.type == 'end' and not SETTINGS.player_states['fade']:
                    SETTINGS.player_states['fade'] = True
                    SETTINGS.changing_level = True
                    SOUND.play_sound(self.change_level, 0)

        madd = self.mouse.get_rel()[0] * self.sensitivity
        if madd > 0:
            madd = min(madd, 0.5)
        elif madd < 0:
            madd = max(madd, -0.5)
        self.angle -= madd
        SETTINGS.player_angle = self.angle

        # Open inventory
        if key[pygame.K_i] and self.inventory < 1:
            if SETTINGS.player_states['invopen']:
                SETTINGS.player_states['invopen'] = False
                SETTINGS.inv_strings_updated = False
                SETTINGS.player_states['invopen'] = True

            self.inventory += 1
        elif not key[pygame.K_i]:
            self.inventory = 0

        # Use escape to close inventory
        if key[pygame.K_ESCAPE] and SETTINGS.player_states['invopen']:
            SETTINGS.player_states['invopen'] = False
            SETTINGS.inv_strings_updated = False
            self.dont_open_menu = True

        elif not key[pygame.K_ESCAPE] and not SETTINGS.player_states['invopen']:
            self.dont_open_menu = False

        # Show menu
        if key[pygame.K_ESCAPE] and not self.dont_open_menu:
            self.esc_pressed = True

        elif self.esc_pressed and not self.dont_open_menu:
            SETTINGS.menu_showing = True
            self.esc_pressed = False

        # Is the player dead or taking damage?
        if > SETTINGS.player_health:
            SETTINGS.statistics['last dtaken'] += ( - SETTINGS.player_health)
   = SETTINGS.player_health
            SETTINGS.player_states['hurt'] = True
            SOUND.play_sound(self.hurt_sound, 0)
        if SETTINGS.player_health <= 0 and not SETTINGS.godmode:
            self.dead = True
            SETTINGS.player_states['dead'] = True
        if SETTINGS.player_health < 0:
            SETTINGS.player_health = 0

        if SETTINGS.menu_showing or SETTINGS.player_states['invopen']:

    def move(self, pos):
        if SETTINGS.cfps > 5:
            if pos[0] != 0:
                self.update(pos[0], 0)
            if pos[1] != 0:
                self.update(0, pos[1])

    def update(self, x, y):
        self.real_x += x * SETTINGS.dt
        self.real_y += y * SETTINGS.dt
        self.rect.x = self.real_x
        self.rect.y = self.real_y
        SETTINGS.player_rect = self.rect
        tile_hit_list = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, self.collide_list, False)

        # Actually there are not only tiles in the list. NPCs as well.
        for tile in tile_hit_list:
            if tile.solid:
                if x > 0:  # Moving right
                    self.rect.right = tile.rect.left
                if x < 0:  # Moving left
                    self.rect.left = tile.rect.right
                if y > 0:  # Moving down
                    self.rect.bottom =
                if y < 0:  # Moving up
           = tile.rect.bottom
                self.real_x = self.rect.x
                self.real_y = self.rect.y

        SETTINGS.player_rect = self.rect

    def draw(self, canvas):
        canvas.blit(self.sprite, (self.real_x, self.real_y))

    def destroy(self):
        del self

MaxwellSalmon commented 2 months ago

Hmm... I have never seen this issue before. Have you tried to play it in windowed mode as well? Does this happen if you also run the .exe? ( Also, try to print the mouse position - the way rotation works is, that every frame your cursor is moved to the center of the screen and you move your head in the distance the cursor moved. It seems resetting to the center may be behaving unexpectedly.

As for multiplayer, this game is singleplayer only. I was planning to make it multiplayer in during development, but dropped it. And as for including the game in your OS, feel free to do so. As long as you follow the license DUGA is under. (

develperbayman commented 2 months ago

cool thanks the reason i was inquiring about multiplayer is im looking for something original to use to build this around its a python local gaming network 2+ instances 1 server split screen play because of how you did it it works well with my brain so ill prob keep poking at it and adding features or break some things solitaire but with code 455693052_2002718513518802_7265223425489442093_n

develperbayman commented 2 months ago

so window mode does not work at all

develperbayman commented 2 months ago

also i dont know about the exe im running debian bookworm