MayamaTakeshi / sip-lab

A node module that helps to write SIP functional tests
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Refactor packet dump to be done from packets received from pjsip #13

Open MayamaTakeshi opened 1 year ago

MayamaTakeshi commented 1 year ago

Currently we use libpcap to do this by updating a filter every time we create a SIP/RTP endpoint. However there are problems with this approacy:

Instead, let's dump the messages according to what is received from pjsip: all SIP messages and RTP traffic would be dumped as UDP no matter how they were received/sent. (obs: not sure if we can actually do this yet).

MayamaTakeshi commented 1 year ago

Based on some tests, packet dump is not even currently working.

We can adapt code from here: Ref:

MayamaTakeshi commented 1 year ago

Using HEP we can send the messages to sngrep and see the call flows in real-time.