Mayank2808sharma / IRCTC-backend

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Adding endpoint to cancel the booking #13

Open PranotiPD opened 2 months ago

PranotiPD commented 2 months ago

There should be one API for the cancellation of booked tickets. I would like to work on this issue.

InshiyaRavat commented 2 months ago

please assign me this issue under gssoc'24

Yashasvi213 commented 2 months ago

Please assign me this task. I am proficient to do so

sneharini commented 2 months ago

Hey @Mayank2808sharma

I would like to work on this task of implementing the cancel booking endpoint in our IRCTC project. This feature will enable users to cancel their booked tickets directly through the API, enhancing the overall user experience.

Would You assign this issue to me?? contribution for gssoc'2024

Mandar007007 commented 2 months ago

Could you please assign me this issue?

Jhonsnowwwwww commented 2 months ago

@Mayank2808sharma i want to work with u in this project and i am proficient in writing and testing API so i think can easily write this cancel booking api , this task of implementing the cancel booking API in our Project. With the help of this project user can easily cancel the booking with the help of API.

RiyaRanka commented 2 months ago

Adding endpoint to cancel the booking of tickets is necessary as it will enable users to cancel their booked tickets directly and decrease the loading time on frontend and increase the overall user experience without any hassle. So I request you to please assign this issue to me under GSSOC'24.

Samihan15 commented 2 months ago

could you please assign this issue to me !

Vinaysohaliya commented 2 months ago

I would like to work on this issue. Please assign it to me under GSSOC'24.

Hemxnt commented 2 months ago

assign me this issue

ShampaShaw commented 1 month ago

The goal is to create an endpoint to cancel a booking. This involves checking if the booking exists, verifying the booking status, and then proceeding to cancel the booking if it's valid.

Implementation Steps Verify Booking Existence and Status:

Check if the booking exists in the database using the token ID. Ensure the booking is in a cancellable state (e.g., it hasn't already been canceled or completed). Cancel the Booking:

If the booking exists and is valid for cancellation, proceed to delete or update the booking status in the database to indicate that it has been canceled. Response Handling:

Provide appropriate responses based on the action taken (e.g., confirmation of cancellation or error messages if the booking cannot be canceled). Detailed Steps Check Booking Existence:

Fetch the booking using the provided token ID. If the booking does not exist, return a response indicating that the booking was not found. Validate Booking Status:

Ensure the booking is in a state that allows cancellation. If the booking cannot be canceled (e.g., it's already canceled or the travel date has passed), return a response indicating the same. Cancel Booking:

If the booking is valid for cancellation, update the booking status in the database or delete the booking record. Return a success response indicating the booking has been canceled.

assign me this issue under contribution for gssoc'2024

Aditya6112 commented 1 month ago

@Mayank2808sharma Assing this issue to me. I can book Tatkal tickets :)