MaybeShewill-CV / bisenetv2-tensorflow

Unofficial tensorflow implementation of real-time scene image segmentation model "BiSeNet V2: Bilateral Network with Guided Aggregation for Real-time Semantic Segmentation"
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Data augmentation and data shuffling problem? #47

Closed fjparrado closed 3 years ago

fjparrado commented 3 years ago


I have been trying to train the cityscapes dataset but I was not able to reproduce the results. I am using TF1.12.0 Debugging the training code, I noticed the problem resides in the functionnext_batch(self, batch_size) in the file.

If I skip the data augmentation and the shuffle function, the images in the batch are fine:

            with tf.name_scope('input_tensor'):

                # TFRecordDataset opens a binary file and reads one record at a time.
                # `tfrecords_file_paths` could also be a list of filenames, which will be read in order.
                dataset =

                # The map transformation takes a function and applies it to every element
                # of the dataset.
                dataset =
#                if self._dataset_flags == 'train':
#                    dataset =
#                        map_func=aug.preprocess_image_for_train,
#                        num_parallel_calls=CFG.DATASET.CPU_MULTI_PROCESS_NUMS
#                    )
#                elif self._dataset_flags == 'val':
#                    dataset =
#                        map_func=aug.preprocess_image_for_val,
#                        num_parallel_calls=CFG.DATASET.CPU_MULTI_PROCESS_NUMS
#                    )

                # The shuffle transformation uses a finite-sized buffer to shuffle elements
                # in memory. The parameter is the number of elements in the buffer. For
                # completely uniform shuffling, set the parameter to be the same as the
                # number of elements in the dataset.

#                dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=512)

                # repeat num epochs
                dataset = dataset.repeat(self._epoch_nums)

                dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size=batch_size, drop_remainder=True)
                dataset = dataset.prefetch(buffer_size=batch_size * 16)

                iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()


However, if I uncomment the shuffle function, the "pairs" are:


Using the original code (uncommenting also the data augmentation lines), the transformations of the RGB image and labeled image are not the same


This is the code I used to visualize the images:

A = iterator.get_next(name='{:s}_IteratorGetNext'.format(self._dataset_flags))
with tf.Session() as sess: X = A[0].eval(session=sess)
with tf.Session() as sess: Y = A[1].eval(session=sess)
x = np.zeros((256,512,3))
x[:,:] = Y[10]/125

Maybe I am doing something wrong, but I can not figure it out... Do you have any suggestion? Regards

MaybeShewill-CV commented 3 years ago

@dragonvenenoso I will check it as soon as possiable:)

fjparrado commented 3 years ago

I am sorry, no need, I am stupid :) The code to visualize the images should be:

 A = iterator.get_next(name='{:s}_IteratorGetNext'.format(self._dataset_flags))
with tf.Session() as sess:
    X = 
x = np.zeros((256,512,3))
x[:,:] = X[1][13]/125

And then everything is correct.

Edit: I trained the model again and it works perfectly. Thanks a lot for sharing your code!

MaybeShewill-CV commented 3 years ago

@dragonvenenoso ok:)