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Connector password encrypted twice on Update request #24

Open vikramsubramanian opened 1 month ago

vikramsubramanian commented 1 month ago

What happened?

I created a Connector with a password field. I then created an update request and the password field took the encrypted password and encrypted it again now showing a different password, meaning the saved password would be overwritten in this update.

What did you expect to happen?

The password should only be encrypted if it is a new entry or has been altered from its previous state.

mayil-ai[bot] commented 1 month ago

To address the issue of the password field being encrypted twice during an update request, follow these steps:

  1. Modify the updateConnector method in KafkaConnectService to include a check for whether the password is already encrypted.
  2. Update the KafkaConnectControllerService to ensure the encryption logic is only applied when necessary.

Here is the modified code:

public ApiResponse updateConnector(ClusterConnectorRequest clusterConnectorRequest) {"Into updateConnector {}", clusterConnectorRequest);
    String suffixUrl =
            + "/connectors/"
            + clusterConnectorRequest.getConnectorName()
            + "/config";
    Pair<String, RestTemplate> reqDetails =
        clusterApiUtils.getRequestDetails(suffixUrl, clusterConnectorRequest.getProtocol());

    HttpHeaders headers =
            clusterConnectorRequest.getClusterIdentification(), KafkaClustersType.KAFKA_CONNECT);
    headers.set("Content-Type", "application/json");

    // Check if the password is already encrypted
    String connectorConfig = clusterConnectorRequest.getConnectorConfig();
    if (!isPasswordEncrypted(connectorConfig)) {
        connectorConfig = encryptPassword(connectorConfig);

    HttpEntity<String> request =
        new HttpEntity<>(connectorConfig, headers);

    try {
      reqDetails.getRight().put(reqDetails.getLeft(), request, String.class);
    } catch (HttpServerErrorException | HttpClientErrorException e) {
      log.error("Error in updating connector ", e);
      return buildErrorResponseFromRestException(e, CLUSTER_API_ERR_2);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      return ApiResponse.builder().success(false).message(CLUSTER_API_ERR_2).build();
    return ApiResponse.builder().success(true).message(ApiResultStatus.SUCCESS.value).build();

private boolean isPasswordEncrypted(String connectorConfig) {
    // Implement logic to check if the password is already encrypted
    // This could involve checking for a specific pattern or prefix
    return connectorConfig.contains("ENCRYPTED_PREFIX");

private String encryptPassword(String connectorConfig) {
    // Implement your encryption logic here
    return "ENCRYPTED_PREFIX" + connectorConfig;

if (RequestOperationType.UPDATE.value.equals(connectorRequest.getRequestOperationType())) {
    String connectorConfig = connectorRequest.getConnectorConfig();
    if (!isPasswordEncrypted(connectorConfig)) {
        connectorConfig = encryptPassword(connectorConfig);
    updateTopicReqStatus =
            kwClusters.getClusterName() + kwClusters.getClusterId(),
} else {
    // Other operations

By adding these checks, the password will only be encrypted if it is not already encrypted, preventing double encryption.

Here are some code snippets that may help you get started:

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Last updated at 02-Aug-2024 01:48 PM | Attempt 2