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Docs: Add clarifications for LIST data type DDL specifications (hashtag2823) #13

Open vikramsubramanian opened 4 months ago

vikramsubramanian commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the great work on this project! I wanted to open a suggestion for [documentation surrounding the LIST data type]( which I thought might help clarify usage.

Currently the beginning of this page reads:

Kùzu supports two `LIST` data types: variable-size list `VAR-LIST` and fixed-size `FIXED-LIST`.

A `VAR-LIST` type can contain arbitrary number of values with the same type.

A `FIXED-LIST` type can contain fixed number of values with the same numerical type.

This could be improved with an additional statement concerning the use of other datatypes (any data type?) before the brackets in DDL. Additionally, it looked like there was a typo concerning the FIXED-LIST content ("same numerical type", not certain but it seems like this should be "same type").

Kùzu supports two LIST data types: variable-size list `VAR-LIST` and fixed-size `FIXED-LIST.`

`LIST` data types include values of a single data type.
The data type of values within a `LIST` is declared before a set of brackets in DDL.
For example, `STRING[]` declares a `LIST` of string values.

A `VAR-LIST` type can contain arbitrary number of values with the same type.

A `FIXED-LIST` type can contain fixed number of values with the same type.

It might be that the following content is inferred from other, more comprehensive documentation about the DDL grammar. Please don't hesitate to correct or link to a better resource instead of the below. Thank you! )

mayil-ai[bot] commented 4 months ago

Summary: The documentation for the LIST data type DDL specifications needs to be clarified and improved.

Possible Solution

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