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W3SparqlRecursivePath test failure (hashtag2750) #42

Open vikramsubramanian opened 4 months ago

vikramsubramanian commented 4 months ago

check the following under rdf/w3_sparql/path.test

hashtag TODO(Guodong): The following read fails reading correct iri.
hashtag-STATEMENT MATCH (a)-[* (r, n | WHERE r.iri = "x")]->(b)
hashtag        RETURN COUNT(*);
hashtag---- 1

At high level, I'm not getting the correct iri for a given internal id. This bug doesn't appear in a sequential scan but instead appears in lookup. )

mayil-ai[bot] commented 4 months ago

Summary: Incorrect IRI retrieval for a given internal ID in W3SparqlRecursivePath test.

Possible Solution

Based on the provided information, the issue seems to be related to the incorrect reading of an IRI during a lookup operation in a recursive path query. The expected result of the count is 1, but the test W3SparqlRecursivePath is failing, indicating that the actual result might be different.

To address the issue, follow these steps:

If the issue is not resolved with the above steps, consider reviewing related components such as index scans or filters that might affect the outcome of the MATCH clause.

Code snippets to check