Open AlexVaith opened 3 years ago
Hello. Taking a sensor datasheet variance or noise density is not enough to build a robust estimation. This is mostly because datasheet data represents sensor itself and not a system it works onto. The system (vehicle, tool, etc.) can introduce vibrations which impact sensor's data. So the sensor data analysis is greatly advised
The way I do it is the following:
An example of python code (assuming your IMU/Compass data is stored in csv file as 9 columns - 3 for each sensor):
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import csv
def plotDistribution(dataset, datasetName):
(dsNum, dsVals)= dataset
plt.suptitle("{} distribution".format(datasetName))
for i in range(3):
counts, bins = np.histogram(dsVals[:,i] - np.mean(dsVals[:,i]))
plt.stairs(counts/dsNum, bins)
plt.xlim([-0.15, 0.15])
plt.ylim([0, 1])
def printCovarianceMatrix(dataset, name):
print("{} Covariance matrix:\n{}".format(name, np.cov(dataset.T)))
def getData(filename):
datafile= open(filename, mode='r')
reader= csv.reader(datafile)
rows = list(reader)
a= np.empty(3)
g= np.empty(3)
m= np.empty(3)
for row in rows:
a= np.vstack((a, np.array([float(i) for i in row[ACCELEROMETER_DATA_POS : ACCELEROMETER_DATA_POS+3]])))
g= np.vstack((g, np.array([float(i) for i in row[GYROSCOPE_DATA_POS : GYROSCOPE_DATA_POS + 3]])))
m= np.vstack((m, np.array([float(i) for i in row[MAGNETOMETER_DATA_POS : MAGNETOMETER_DATA_POS + 3]])))
a= a[1:]
g= g[1:]
m= m[1:]
num_samples= len(rows)
timeline= np.linspace(0,num_samples,num=num_samples)
return {'n':num_samples, 'a':a, 'g':g, 'm':m, 't':timeline}
sensData= getData('./SensorNoise(MotorsON).csv')
printCovarianceMatrix(sensData['a'], "Accelerometer")
plotDistribution((sensData['n'], sensData['a']), 'Accelerometer noise')
printCovarianceMatrix(sensData['g'], "Gyroscope")
plotDistribution((sensData['n'], sensData['g']), 'Gyroscope noise')
printCovarianceMatrix(sensData['m'], "Magnerometer")
plotDistribution((sensData['n'], sensData['m']), 'Magnerometer noise')
Hope it'll be useful
I try to use the extended Kalman filter. I have the datasheet of the sensors being used, but I struggle to identify the specific values the ekf() function is looking for.
I am a newbie to sensors and datasheets in general. Could you help me to identify the values for the following sensor: ICM-20649.
I get the following values for the accelerometer:
RMS Noise [mg-rms] TYP (based on accelerometer noise: 285μg/√Hz)
and for the gyroscope:
RMS Noise [dps-rms] TYP (based on gyroscope noise: 0.0175dps/√Hz)
and for the magnetometer: 3.2mgauss.
Thanks in advance