MaykThewessen / V2G-Day-Ahead_2030

Master Thesis Electricity markets simulaiton of Day-Ahead price formation in 2030 with large share of batteries (incl V2G) acting and competing with each other and itself
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use different merit-order for 2030 situation #6

Open MaykThewessen opened 2 years ago

MaykThewessen commented 2 years ago

fossil merit-order is not the same, since gas and coal plants will run less in 2030, prices need to be higher to fullfill their CAPEX cost. CO2 EU ETS costs will also be higher, maybe not significantly, possibly both €110/tCO2, or else: 2022: €~80/tCO2, and 2030: €90-150/tCO2.

MaykThewessen commented 2 years ago

now updated script to use a merit order price that is based upon gas and CO2 price, they use a fit that starts at €50/MWh (the minimum cost that a fossil plant at all wants to deliver energy for) and exponent fitted to fit the 20GW residual load at the gas and CO2 marginal cost price of each year