MazeMap / Leaflet.TileLayer.PouchDBCached

A Leaflet tile layer which caches into PouchDB for offline use
MIT License
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layer.seed() generating wrong "y" tile coordinates with CRS.EPSG4326 #25

Open bydos opened 7 years ago

bydos commented 7 years ago

Hello, I have a local geoserver serving TMS tiles cached in a ESPG4326 grid. Similar to{z}/{x}/{y}.png The automatic caching of the plugin works fine. (when tms = true and usecache = true) I am trying to use layer.seed() method to cache a subset of tiles within a BBox and ZoomStart ZoomEnd levels. this only gives wrong urls. after investigation I found out that the problem reside in 'y' coordinates generation. here is a link to a simple setup that shows the calculated tiles and the ones recieved. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.