Mbitajeff / Building-Microservices-and-a-CI-CD-Pipeline-with-AWS

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Phase 4: Configuring the application as two microservices and testing them in Docker containers #4

Open Mbitajeff opened 3 days ago

Mbitajeff commented 3 days ago

Task 4.1: Set up AWS CodePipeline

Subtasks: -Create a pipeline in AWS CodePipeline. -Add source stage connecting to CodeCommit. -Add build stage using AWS CodeBuild.

Mbitajeff commented 3 days ago

Task 4.2: Configure AWS CodeBuild

Subtasks: -Create a build project in AWS CodeBuild. -Define build specifications (buildspec.yml). -Integrate CodeBuild with the pipeline.

Mbitajeff commented 3 days ago

Task 4.3: Configure AWS CodeDeploy

Subtasks: -Create a deployment application in AWS CodeDeploy. -Define deployment configurations. -Integrate CodeDeploy with the pipeline.