McBikan / EP-Desarrollo

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Implementación del despliegue de docker containers para la app de juego #4

Open McBikan opened 3 weeks ago

McBikan commented 3 weeks ago

As a desarrollar de videojuegos I need crear una interfaz para que el juego pueda funcionar So that el usuario o jugador sienta que el juego es lo mas amigable posible

Details and Assumptions

Acceptance Criteria

Given the game is running  
When the player completes a level  
Then the next level is loaded with increased difficulty

Given the player is on a level  
When the player reaches a specific score or time limit  
Then the difficulty of the level increases (e.g., more enemies, faster enemies)

Given the player fails a level  
When the player retries  
Then the difficulty may be adjusted based on previous attempts
McBikan commented 3 weeks ago

Implementación de docker correctamente