McBikan / EP-Desarrollo

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Implementar la BD para guardar los registros de juego #6

Open McBikan opened 1 month ago

McBikan commented 1 month ago

As a desarrollar de videojuegos I need crear una BD que guarde los registros de juego (puntaje, tipo de snake, tiempo de juego) So that el usuario pueda ver su registro de juego una vez culminado

Details and Assumptions

Acceptance Criteria

Given the game is running  
When the player completes a level  
Then the next level is loaded with increased difficulty

Given the player is on a level  
When the player reaches a specific score or time limit  
Then the difficulty of the level increases (e.g., more enemies, faster enemies)

Given the player fails a level  
When the player retries  
Then the difficulty may be adjusted based on previous attempts
McBikan commented 1 month ago

Implementar la BD , estructurar la información que se guardará en la BD, falta completar

McBikan commented 1 month ago

BD en mongodb implementado correctamente