As a desarrollar de videojuegos
I need crear un modo de juego multijugador offline de 2 jugadores
So that se pueda jugar 2 jugadores al mismo tiempo
Details and Assumptions
Each level will have distinct characteristics, including:
Enemy types and strengths
Level layouts and obstacles
Available resources or power-ups
[ ] The difficulty will scale based on player performance.
[ ]
[ ] Progression between levels must be smooth to maintain player engagement.
Acceptance Criteria
Given the game is running
When the player completes a level
Then the next level is loaded with increased difficulty
Given the player is on a level
When the player reaches a specific score or time limit
Then the difficulty of the level increases (e.g., more enemies, faster enemies)
Given the player fails a level
When the player retries
Then the difficulty may be adjusted based on previous attempts
As a desarrollar de videojuegos I need crear un modo de juego multijugador offline de 2 jugadores So that se pueda jugar 2 jugadores al mismo tiempo
Details and Assumptions
Acceptance Criteria