McCloudS / subgen

Autogenerate subtitles using OpenAI Whisper Model via Jellyfin, Plex, Emby, Tautulli, or Bazarr
MIT License
453 stars 45 forks source link

INFO:root:Error processing or transcribing #88

Closed handtrixx closed 2 months ago

handtrixx commented 2 months ago

Hi, I am using the dockerfile to start subgen and had no issues for months. Thank you so much for creating this great piece of software! Sincerely since ca. 1 week the logs are only showing: NFO:root:Error processing or transcribing ...: 'True' is not a valid language code (accepted language codes: af, am, ar, as, az, ba, be, bg, bn, bo, br, bs, ca, cs, cy, da, de, el, en, es, et, eu, fa, fi, fo, fr, gl, gu, ha, haw, he, hi, hr, ht, hu, hy, id, is, it, ja, jw, ka, kk, km, kn, ko, la, lb, ln, lo, lt, lv, mg, mi, mk, ml, mn, mr, ms, mt, my, ne, nl, nn, no, oc, pa, pl, ps, pt, ro, ru, sa, sd, si, sk, sl, sn, so, sq, sr, su, sv, sw, ta, te, tg, th, tk, tl, tr, tt, uk, ur, uz, vi, yi, yo, zh, yue) I do not passe any other environment variables then: NAMESUBLANG=yo and wondering if I am the only one who is experiencing that issue.

McCloudS commented 2 months ago

What is your full docker-compose and how are you calling Subgen to run (Bazarr, Plex/other, docs)?

For whatever reason 'True' is being passed as the language code somewhere in your process.

handtrixx commented 2 months ago

Thanks a lot for your quick reply. Exactly, I am searching for that reason since I don't pass a "True" anywhere. I am using docker-compose in linux and I call Subgen by a Jellyfin webhook. As mentioned it was working extremly fine before. My docker-compose.yml ... subgen: container_name: subgen tty: true build: context: . dockerfile: subgen.Dockerfile restart: unless-stopped volumes: ...

WORKDIR /subgen

ADD /subgen/requirements.txt

RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y \ python3 \ python3-pip \ ffmpeg \ && apt-get clean \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \ && pip install -r requirements.txt


ADD /subgen/ ADD /subgen/

CMD [ "bash", "-c", "python3 -u" ]

Am I missing something?

McCloudS commented 2 months ago

You're right, I broke this somehow last update. Thanks for finding it.

If you re-pull the image in about 15 minutes, you're good. Or you can set UPDATE=True and it will download the new script version.

I'll double check the fix when I get home, but it should be it.

handtrixx commented 2 months ago

Wow, that was fast. I can confirm this one is fixed. I owe you a beer

handtrixx commented 2 months ago

just an additional note, this acutally solved a secondary issue as well. i had some videos that ran through successfully when i I forced the language to a specific one, which I did because the detection wasn't working anymore until you fixed the bug. But then the result was an empty translation (srt) file. Maybe worth to check if forcing the language still causes issues, since I did not have to try that anymore.