a gaming framework to align genomic data
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Aplication of the game #94

Open neolazaro opened 10 years ago

neolazaro commented 10 years ago

Hello! First of all, thank you for that great inactive for approaching science to the people, but, i have a few answers to ask, maybe i´m not very intelligent, and i don't understand the objective of the game. What kind of information do you recive whith this result? couldn´t the machines do it better? because i think if the objective is scoring, they could do it much better than us. But if the objective is organice shapes, maybe we are still a little better, but in this case, score is not fair, (i know you put it for motivation the players)

the objective is comparing genome sequence, isn´t it? but i feel that sometimes i can organizer better some nucleotides adding more spaces, but it score less, and other time i feel that i need more space in the board game (the table) to organize better the genome. I´m confuse sorry. thanks again

waldispuhl commented 10 years ago


Sorry for the late answer. I posted an answer a while ago but I realized now that my connection was broken that day. Anyway, your questions are very pertinent and at the core of the questions asked by Phylo. Some answers to some of your first question can be found in this recent interview:

The question about the score is in fact very important to us and under active research. As you noticed, the score does not always reflect what a human would identify as a good alignment. We try to identify these configurations in the set of all solutions generated by Phylo players. We're also working on mechanism to allow users to allows players to notify us interesting configurations not identified by the scoring function.

We'll try to extend the grid to give more room to arrange the bricks and do some test.

Best, Jerome